
We also need to get rid of the idea that women are the weaker sex. If we were, we would have been extinct thousands of years ago.

Also men, everyone needs to step up and maybe people need to pursue their Oscar ambitions through other ways.

Good for her. Now if we can only convince women not to work with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, maybe those two creeps can fade from public consciousness.

Use your power! Seriously, let’s get rid of the idea that all women are replaceable pretty faces.

I can’t look at Bublé without thinking of the great “Hamm and Bubbly” sketch on SNL.

I don’t think the Republican Congress wants that wild a wildcard. He was dangerous to them before these women came forward.

Also, Alabama, if you do elect Moore, we will concede that we should have let you leave the Union and you should go ahead and do so posthaste.

I totally believe he will win. Republicans will imbrace him and act like there are no accusers.

Please, Alabama, don’t make that arsehole win.

So far I’ve gotten:

If I understand right, he’s claiming that God touched that girl in an act of immaculate molestation.

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”

That’s the thing: notice the “dark times” he’s referring to aren’t those of women being sexually assaulted (as this article seems to imply at the end of the Piven section) - no, the “dark times” we’re facing are because “allegations are being printed as facts.”

They will money is on spacey first.

I’m honestly surprised there have been no suicides.

There was an items years back about how when he starting playing the agent on Entourage, he started turning into his character. It implied that he only became an asshole by playing the character.

Jeremy Piven seems to be under the impression that people liked him before the allegations came out. Bless his heart.

“Man accused of sexual assault wishes women would stop reporting their experiences of sexual assault”. I am shocked.