
Remember when everyone thought he was going to be the adult in the room? Good times.

Compensating for a lack of the popular vote?

The wall is GORGEOUS. And I really dig the dipped plates.

There’s a joke about compensating for something here...

Tiffany’s makes me think of something...some, deep, blue something....

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He looks like Anjelica Houston in The Witches when she takes off her human suit:

Well, that’s the one thing we got.

He got the neighbor’s dog pregnant.

Anything ‘truffled’ tastes like feet.

Hahaaa! No wonder she couldn’t afford a McMansion :D

If you don’t want to follow the rules don’t move there! If course fucking Rand Paul would move someplace with an HOA.

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When you think of Tiffany’s, you probably think “blue,” “diamonds,” and “breakfast,” in that order.

He (Bouche) has the gratitude of a grateful nation.

The Cronut of 2017

When does Time issue a follow up “Kelly is kind of dick like Trump”

I adore fancy breakfasts. And that wall sounds incredible. 10/10 would go.

Those eggs are probably delicious.

Did the neighbor have to have a reason to clock Rand Paul? His Toni home perm, overall doucheyness, and smug superiority, enough, oui? I applaud you, angry neighbor, for feeling your feelings.

Avocado toast...

Tiffany & Co. is not in Trump Tower. It’s next door, and will always be. In order to build the brassy abomination, Trump bought the air rights of next-door neighbor Tiffany’s (so he could build higher, and they can never tear down and build any taller than they are).