
exactly, you just don’t break someone’s ribs for mowing lawn ( depending a lawn and bush) at 5am

Oh, you can’t be so sure of that. (Yes you can!)

Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks. I guarantee you there was infidelity involved. Tree trimmings aren’t “tackled out of nowhere” worthy. Coming home to seeing the smug asshole that fucked your wife? Yeah, that’s worth a six-rib breaking tackle.

“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”

That, and he gave away his elderly cat on Twitter.

They deserve the disdain. How do you lose track of a living responsibility?? It’s not like he works at the factory by day and cleans offices at night and she’s an elementary teacher who’s also taking night classes to get her Phd... 😡

He was an irresponsible pet owner along with Anna Faris. They adopted a shelter dog and then when they had a son and he was allergic to it, instead of returning the dog to the shelter, as they had promised to do, they did who knows what and completely lost track of its whereabouts. It was discovered in bad shape by

Not to mention the double standard. If anyone, imagine Elizabeth Warren or HRC recorded talking about grabbing some dude by the dick - ah, girls will be girls, am I right? Not.

It’s laughable to see people quoting “drain the swamp”, and saying that this is only happening because now they have a “real” “caring” President of the people. I’ve watched a hundred fictional shows about how easily manipulated the public are, it’s scary to see it being played out in real life.

I like all of the Chrises, but Chris Evans—talented, sexy, outspoken, unabashedly liberal, dog-loving Chris Evans—is the best Chris.

Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.

So, how long is the Hollywood Purge going to continue? Not that it’s a bad thing it’s happening, it’s just gotten to the point where I wake up every morning wondering who did what to whom without consent next.

My husband is bi and made the same prediction earlier today, with a depressing amount of bitterness and resignation in his voice. It broke my heart.

I guess now we’re waiting for the statement where Charlie Sheen admits he was abused as a child by someone/comes out as bi or pan to attempt to deflect the idea that he assaulted a minor.

I looked this up on Reddit after the news broke and someone shared a a picture from when Denise Richards divorce filing and Richards listed a thing where one time they were on vacation, she caught him looking at gay porn and she was like “don’t they look underage to you?” and he was like “forget it Denise”, and then

Charlie Sheen has denied the allegation that he assaulted Corey Haim, while the LAPD confirmed they’re launching an investigation into the matter.

If Martin Sheen is anything other than the avuncular president Bartlett of my imagination, I will have no choice but to...idk, I guess cry a whole lot.