
Good point. I imagine he shouts it repeatedly while battling his KFC-induced constipation.

Excellent point. I’d be trying to get rid of that shit as quickly as possible.

Or maybe it’s all marked down like crazy? It’s a possibility, and that would certainly help move some merchandise.

My bullshit radar pinged reading this. Sorry, but I find it highly doubtful that Marchesa is selling more now. How do we know Ken and Amber aren’t friends with Georgina? If they have Marchesa in stock and admit it’s not selling is anyone still going to want to buy it? “Did you know Bill Cosby’s wife’s fashion line

I don’t even know what to say. She would’ve gotten away with it if she hadn’t said anything, but did incriminate herself, said she was glad he was gone, then said she loved him, but that she wasn’t treated fairly? My head is spinning!

I am a Canadian lawyer and we have a rule here that lawyers cannot serve on juries. The juror is supposed to approach the case with an open mind, weigh the evidence and proceed on the instructions of the judge. Having a legal background might be a distracting influence.

I have been called 5 times and managed to be excused for all of them (no I’m not a dr.) I wouldn’t want me on my jury, but if I get called again I’ll go. I’ll just make it obvious that I don’t belong there.

“. . . the judge walked in and said everyone on the docket that day took a plea deal and that none of us were needed.”

I actually want to serve on a jury which is probably why I never get called in. This is also my theory of why I never win the lottery.

The wisdom of Homer can do no wrong.

Bingo! If he was empaneled, which is my read, then he would have already made it through the selection process.

Serious answer, this is what happens most of the time with Cook County jury duty. They panel the jury but then the case settles. I have been call for jury duty in Cook County case a bunch of time but never been on a jury that went to trial.

I was gonna say just that - I’ve been dismissed from jury duty because all of the defendants that day plead out so there was simply no need for juries. The entire lounge erupted in happiness when they announced that. Contrast that with the next time I was called for jury duty and was juror 32 of 35 on a panel for a

It was a rape trial where the fact pattern was that the defendant and the alleged victim met at a bar. The prosecutor said he followed her home and broke into her apartment. The defense attorney said she let him in and they had consensual sex. And that’s all I know, because the judge thanked me for my service and I

CBS Chicago says he was picked for a panel that ultimately wasn’t needed.

Whoa. Dismissed every woman who drank at least once a week? Was this a rape trial in which they wanted to paint the victim as a booze drinking whore? That’s disturbing.

Serious answer? His presence would be too disruptive to the parties; particularly with the Secret Service and all the looky loos.

I’d just love to have been the person who initially noticed that President Obama was about to be summoned.

I wish lawyers didn’t like to pick other lawyers for juries. It’s never stopped them from choosing me. Four times serving out of five, and the time I was dismissed it was after the defense attorney asked who drank at least once a week and dismissed every woman who did.