
Not to mention that it ENCOURAGES the men who read it to act out in a similar manner.

That’s true. Even Sixteen Candles was a beloved mainstream movie and had a similar plot as some of the above. (Jock could violate is passed out girlfriend “ten different ways” but is so bored by it that he “gives” her to a nerd.) Or Revenge of the Nerds.

“Throw her over,” Johnny Jr. advised me.

Yeah, doesn’t it stop being satire when it’s an actual, literal, non-overblown reflection of things that are actually happening to actual people/actual beliefs actual people hold?

They profited by their “maybe it’s true maybe it isn’t” coyness once they started attracting the wrong kind of attention, and Ames’ Observer interview is, as you note, offered as purely factual.

Why do you believe him? In particular, why do you believe him and not Ames? And what do you think of a guy who co-authors a book with a guy who (in your view) truthfully brags about raping a 15-year-old? I’m honestly asking. I don’t know his work, but what about him makes you think that he’s making up all the terrible

All I can say is that reading this gave me flashbacks to the Seventies and Eighties, where ‘irreverent’ and ‘counterculture’ ‘satire’ were so often conflated with bald-faced misogyny. I feel like this is something that has actually gotten better.

That’s the thing that got me too. They’re clearly not alone. These guys got read by people around the globe who cheered them on and lived vicariously through this. “Oh you forced a child to have sex with you? But that child was hot Russian trash. Naughty naughty, but seriously, guy give me the facts about police

Right. And if it is just a misogynistic fantasy, then it means they are a bunch of frauds that were benefitting from passing fantasy off as non-fiction.

Wow, that’s fucking disgusting. I hope someone opens an investigation into the alleged satire. It doesn’t seem like a giant stretch for someone who frequently makes rape jokes or basically espouses raping Russian women to be ignorant or ignoring of consent.

Thats... unreal. I have truly never read anything that disturbing. Shit like that makes me think “Is this the way men really think??” Which is disturbing in and of itself. Satire or not, words like that shouldn’t exist in print.

Wow, thank you for writing this! Those excerpts are pretty tough to get through. I would really like to think that the stories those guys are telling are just an ugly, misogynistic fantasy, and that no actual people were assaulted or harassed. But who knows? Stuff like that really does happen, and it’s a frighteningly

I’m sorry but I actually had to stop reading this article. I found their own gleeful descriptions of their actions to be so repulsive. Who found this type of writing palatable or interesting. Being a self absorbed asshole in a country where you hold enormous power to violate impoverished girls sexually doesn’t strike

There goes my appetite. I feel physically ill. How could anyone read those excerpts and think this is a joke? Those sick fucks! I want to crotch kick the shit out of both of them until their dicks don’t work.

Sexual assault satire, like rape jokes, are not funny.  

As Liz Lemon says, the word “lovers” bums me out unless it’s between “meat” and “pizza.”

“I’m laughing with my lover, making forts under covers.”

counterpoint: if you don’t listen to the words, it’s an ok song