
Yeah, CPCs have been around for ages—when I did clinic defense in Orlando over 20 years ago, there was a CPC next to a legitimate clinic, but I suspect Lowell meant that this particular girl being forced to see a CPC quack (I refuse to call them doctors) has Pence’s greasy fingerprints on it.

“oh your going into labor? Quick to the boarder! Now just sit right here and push your beautiful baby into Mexico!”

That is Texas law. I’m sure Pence gives it two thumbs up though.

These types of pregnancy centers have been doing this longer than Pence has been around. They only exist to guilt women into delivering the child.

It is interesting to see this intersection of the forced-birth crowd with the death-to-all-anchor-babies crowd. I’m glad she was able to follow through with her plan and I certainly didn’t hear any forced-birther offering to adopt the baby should she have been forced to carry to term.

Yes. This is fucking terrifying. For one, using a completely vulnerable immigrant minor to test their legal authority. Trying to run out the clock for the 20 week ban to apply. Then of course the insane logical conflict of railing against so-called anchor babies, then essentially trying to force on into existence? I

“...they made me see a doctor that tried to convince me not to abort and to look at sonogram...”

I’m blown away by this young woman. I really doubt I would have been so eloquent and steadfast in defending my rights (and by extension all womens’ rights) at her age. Thank you, Jane Doe!

And what were they going to do if she did have the child? Give it citizenship? Health care? Freaking food and shelter? Don’t make me laugh.

This was the scariest fucking story about our government. Between their horrible arguments about undocumented people not being actual fucking people and their fucking handmaiden tale style moralizing this is the scariest the GOP has been.

Thank goodness, although I suspect the Trump people will try and appeal this anyway so they can set a legal precedent for the next girl to have her reproductive rights restricted. Here’s hoping they get shot down.

My dad worked for Carter and we know plenty of people in common. There isn’t one bad rumor around about that guy.

This is a hard thought to phrase inoffensively but there are definitely female deplorables who absolutely would make a claim like this about Obama just because. Their orange god emperor would love them for it and lets not pretend like there isnt a history of a certain kind of white women setting up black men just

He was in bed with pneumonia for his entire presidency. It might have been possible for him to have groped one of his caregivers (his wife hadn’t even had a chance to get to Washington before he died), but probably not.

I have to believe there is nothing to say about either of them. If Obama had any skeletons, the GOP would have exposed them. And you know they have their most devious bastards trying to trump up garbage on Obama (that pun is intended) The worst thing they could ever find on him was that he occasionally smoked

He gave merkel an unwanted shoulder massage. There are tons of photos and video of this.

While the younger Bush’s political morality is certainly questionable, he always came across as personally sincere; I wouldn’t expect him to be a groper.

I’ll bet William Henry Harrison didn’t molest any one during his Presidency. That’s just the vibe I get.

Presidents are in a prime position to coerce women or casually assault them, like the scenario Lind describes. I’d venture a guess that Obama and maybe Carter (he seems like a decent dude) didn’t engage in that sort of behavior. The others? Probably all of them did it on a regular basis.