
As a lawyer, I’m starting to wonder about how many NDAs like this are out there, and whether the lawyers who drafted them are going through some soul-searching right now. Plenty of them aren’t, but my guess is that a lot of them are.

This is the favorite excuse of garbage people like Jared Leto. Just admit you’re an abusive piece of shit. A real actor doesn’t have to do this.

I wonder if he’s gonna say “I’m Method” as an excuse.

Cowards indeed, jinni.

From the original article, lest we forget.

I am both enraged at this story and incandescent with righteous glee that these motherfuckers are being dragged out to the bonfires by their shorthairs.

Trying to imagine him doing this to a man and I cannot. Especially, though not limited to, a man of his size.

“Anarchists Unite!”

OK, this looks like The Onion.

But democrats and independents have to show up and vote in the midterms. They typically aren’t good at doing that. I hope 2018 will be different.

Democrats might be able to pick up the seat in Arizona; if Latinos turn out in force; if in addition, those moderates who are disapproving of Trump decide to vote for a democrat.

I posted to the Vox article about it yesterday and it’s astounding how, on a friendly network, being asked softball questions, with the interviewer TRYING to lead his responses, Trump is still unable to string together a coherrent sentence, much less demonstrate ABSOLUTELY ANY knowledge about the bills or issues being

AZ went only +4 for Trump last year despite the Dems completely botching the ground game. It’s the next major battleground state. If it goes D next year, the GOP will be shitting itself because TX will be the next stop.

The old Billy Madison clip belongs after that quote.

I wouldn’t be so bearish on Democratic chances here, Kyrsten Sinema is the likely nominee and has represented a competitive district in Congress overperforming HRC and Obama, and shes well known. The GOP nominee is looking to be Kelli Ward, who Bannon is running and was beating Flake in primary polling while losing to

I think a monkey just typed that out.

Shorter Flake: “Look, pandering to racism was fine when we were just ginning up these goddamn morons to go vote for their betters, but now the fucking yahoos expect us to actually support their dipshit agenda! I’m telling ya, politics ain’t what it used to be.”

I think I lost brain cells just reading that.

For those who haven’t read it, Trump’s interview over the weekend with Fox Business Channel’s Maria Bartiromo is prima facie evidence, all by itself, of his complete unfitness for ANY office. From the Vox article on it:

Am I being too optimistic (and yes, everything in the past 12 months should have taught me that if I’m asking that question, the answer is definitively “yes!”), or could the Repubs who are retiring (Corker, Flake) or are otherwise willing to buck the party line (Collins, possibly McCain) form a coalition with Senate