
Yup... This actually reminds me of an event I’d forgotten from my own military service... One of the benefits of military service is the MAC flight. Service members and their families can sign up on a waiting list to potentially catch a military aircraft going anywhere the military flies, for very little cost. The

But Trump has also faced military tragedy:

A coupon for five dollars off a round of golf at a Trump property.

Typical Trump. Only concerned with his petty bickering and doesn’t care that his continued sniping at Congresswoman Wilson also continues to deepen the pain of Sgt. Johnson’s family.

Did they come with a note, “thank you for your son’s life! Here’s a gift basket and an autographed glamour shot of President Donald Trump!”

May this solider rest and his family be taken care of...... BUT FUCK Trump, that is so low. You SCREAM about patriotism and this man gave his LIFE, yet you still found the need to dismiss him and treat him like he didn’t matter. Patriotism isn’t the issue here. You’ve shown it with your actions the issue is simply who


They could curtail the spread by promoting early testing, prevention methods, and PREP/PEP. And it would help if they ensured everyone was getting treatment— expanding ADAP would help.

It’s like those horrible Sandy Hook truthers. No matter what evidence they get to see, they just declare everything fake. Don’t these weirdos have anything better to do than harass grieving family members?

Oh, God, for years. As far as I know that station doesn’t broadcast anymore or he’d still be at it.

Seeing a person at rest as they’re lying “in state”? Fine. Seeing crime scene photos in their full, bloody awfulness? Leave that to the coroner.


They could release a video of Kurt Cobain killing himself and this dipshit would find some way to twist it as a cover up or false video or some other fanatical conspiracy-theory bullshit.

Now playing

Oh FFS, Kurt had bad drug issues and mental issues. He killed himself. It’s not enough these women lost a husband and a father, now they have to deal with this conspiracy theorist nutjob?

Unless this Lee stalker guy has expertise in forensics or criminology, he has no need and no right to see those photos. And I’d like to think the medical examiners office in Seattle did its job properly.

What a lovely photo of the two of them.