
I watched the show live last Friday. For most of the episode, I was smiling along, thinking, “Okay, yeah, maybe not as good as S1, but still pretty good.” And then as soon as the song ended with “Your sons are gonna be rapists!”, I did a spit-take and howled with laughter.

My take is that they’re making fun of reductive, black & white, binary thinking– which, incidentally, is the strategy commonly used by conservatives.

If it’s not a wedding, full body shapewear is just not worth it. I just want a bra that doesn’t have peekaboo lines along the top of the entire cup in a 40D.THAT would be worth watching Megyn Kelly for.

I think it’s aimed primarily at the conventions of shows and movies like this. There always seems to be a scene (especially in older romantic comedies), in which a group of women get drunk and, well, generalize about men. This show has always taken aim as tropes (rushing to the airport to stop a loved one from moving,

I think people need to be taught that just because there’s plenty of us out there who inherently do not treat people like shit, there’s almost just as many who don’t care. Human history up to a few hundred years ago is just filled with rape, murder, and enforcing ones will with strength onto weaker people (physically

Yes, I agree. Consent and education are key. But, as a man, this man just comes off as still wanting to excuse his own behavior. Even his meek protestations ring hollow and he equivocates on his motives and details of the scenario itself. No person needs to be educated not to touch an unknown sleeping person and no

Absolutely. It reminds me of studies or surveys I’ve read about where men would be asked if they’d do “x” and also be asked if they would rape/sexually assault a woman, and it was always no to the latter, but they didn’t realize that “x” (e.g., touching a woman sexually while she was blackout drunk) *was* sexual

This is amazing. It really brings home to me how important comprehensive sex education is, especially the parts about CONSENT!

Yes, this is amazing. Thank you so much, Anonymous, for putting this out there. Wishing you peace.

Thank you for sharing this.

My only comment is holy shit she must be wearing a fabulous bra. I can’t, for the life of me, find a seamless t-shirt bra that fits this well and I’m jealous...Of Megan Kelly...

This always gets me. Does she not know that Jesus was born in the middle east? So, in all probability, Jesus was brown. Did she not read the bible?

“Designers, your final challenge will be to take Megyn Kelly’s color chart and create a wearable avant-garde look, suitable for meeting to discuss her show’s cancellation with NBC executives. This is a one day challenge, as she’ll be needing the outfit by next week.”

I tried to explain to my wife the joy of visiting these reviews each day and seeing the outfit pallet grow. That and of course the daily Last Week Tonight compilation.

That prosciutto skull is hella disturbing.

“Do you remember Greg when he was the host of Talk Soup? Remember that?”

Megyn Kelly Palette - 9/25/17-10/20/17