
Why shouldn’t she talk about it publicly if she wants? Aren’t people constantly harping on women to report abuse?

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

Man, those tweets from Cross, reading them I could tell he didn’t run them by Amber. Should have consulted the wife.

My partner’s boss told him recently “I like that you and Seabassy are two completely different people, you each have your own style and opinions.” Um, thanks bossman? This was after I told the boss to his face thatI didn’t like something their business was doing, from the perspective of a consumer of that business,

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

This just solidifies my opinion that David Cross is an asshole, but not an abuser. It sounds like they have a really good relationship, those two. You can love somebody and still acknowledge their faults.


Pleasepleasepleaseplease tell me this means he can never vote again? Is AZ one of those states? 🤞🤞


I hate that it’s being normalized.

I have some respect for people who admit they screwed up. It doesn’t change what they did - but I appreciate it a lot more than when people try to justify their prior bad acts.

Going by the avclub article, there were three that he knew about:

“I chalked it up to a ’50s-’60s era image of a boss chasing a secretary around the desk,” he said. “As if that’s O.K. That’s the egg on my face right now.”

I think there’s only 3 options for people like Tarantino, Damon, Clooney, etc.: They knew and approved or they knew but didn’t want to rock the boat or, possibly the worst one, they knew but took it for granted as standard operating procedure.

Solange means so much to me. When I first got started in activism, I would tear up speaking about the issue of destruction of sacred lands, and I went to one of my college professors for help with that. He told me to get angry and stay angry, and that’s something that helps me when I prepare to do any public speaking.

I think he kind of says “...because I was a shitty person.”

Exactly, I’m glad he came clean, but the admission is missing the important piece of “But I didn’t say anything because____.” Because I too harass women? Because I wasn’t sure I could make the millions on my own? I feel the same way about Robert Rodriguez. Works with HW a shitton. Dated (married to?) Rose McGowan.

Yeah it’s weird. We are so used to the absolute worst that admitting you knew and didn’t help is refreshing

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?