
Sooner or later, anyone who works for Trump becomes complicit and an enabler if not a downright participant.

I want to second everything here, except, Kelly was always a sniveling little sycophant. He has to be; it’s a job requirement. I’m just glad people seem to be starting to realize he’s no different from the rest, and he’s clearly shitty at his job. We need to face up to the fact that nothing about this administration

The Victorian era is a prime example of “honoring” women by giving them zero rights or power.

See the Victorian era.

“Sacred” is code for not fully human. The same kind of arguments the Victorians made about women which kept us from voting, working outside the home in professional careers (other than poor women who could work for a pittance of what men made), or even having any control over our own bodies. Women were too “precious”

here they are filling out their rider....

In 1950s-1960s America, those sacred women - as many as 50% of them in peak years - had a sacrament, too. Commonly referred to as “mother’s little helper”, the go-to tranquilizer was Miltown.

I really thought he would be silent during this. I cant believe he got out there and did this. What kind of man is he? He is despicable. He will burn in hell with the rest of them.


He works for Trump.

And frequently the back of a hand if they stepped out of whatever line they were mean’t to stick to.

Because I’m a cynic and this guy’s misogyny pisses me off, I suspect he meant Gold Star families went out the window at the conventions because of a certain family that spoke at the Dem convention....something about them is skin tone, religion, their country of origin...making them not worthy of

Women were sacred=women knew their place.

Either that was an underhanded dig at Trump’s war with the Khan family after the DNC, or Kelly has a dangerous lack of self-awareness.

He thinks that “looked upon with great honor” means having all of their decisions made for them and not letting them have any financial power.

“Women are sacred, except for the selfish Frederica Wilson.”

John Kelly would have been “a kid growing up” in the 50s and 60s. I know the old folks all tend to be a little selective in recalling the good ol’ days, but holy fucking mother of fuck, people. If a man of his supposed intelligence really believes the 19fucking50s were the glory days for women being “looked upon with

Hey Kelly, go fuck yourself, you craven little piece of shit. How dare you stand up for this fucking slimeball who insulted John McCain’s POW status and fucking POLITICIZED YOUR OWN DEAD SON TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS, so you can insult a grieving woman (Wilson was apparently at least somewhat close to Johnson). There

Kelly also had the audacity to say that respect for Gold Star families went out the window at the conventions last summer. I’m hoping he’s referring to having Patricia Smith speak at the convention and call Hillary Clinton a murderer.

UK Update: