I’m in the market for an EV but I’m not buying a Tesla for as long as this man owns even a single share of stock, even if he leaves the company.
I’m in the market for an EV but I’m not buying a Tesla for as long as this man owns even a single share of stock, even if he leaves the company.
I believe Tesla as an auto manufacturer will be gone within the next 10 years, possibly sooner. I think Elon is migrating Tesla to be a technology company that makes its profit by licensing its tech.
I think the Tesla board puts pressure on him to step aside if the Mango Madness loses.
It certainly isn’t illegal or unprecedented for a billionaire CEO to use their money and influence in an attempt to sway the election in favor of their preferred candidate
Times you will expose yourself in the station lot while getting out in a passenger side car when getting gas: Every time you get gas.
I would have preferred a slideshow.
One can only hope a new administration will find legal way to punish Musk. They can start by revoking the citizenship he essentially bought and deporting him back to South Africa. Severe punishment is appropriate.
Musk getting the boot out of the country would be the best possible thing that could happen to Tesla, absent President Harris instituting Norwegian-level EV subsidies.
Yes. You should always be called on your lame hot takez.
Nothing...people will still buy teslas. elon will still post right wing conspiracy theories on twitter and the cybercab will be delayed and delayed and delayed and the cybertruck will continue to have quality issues.
Did this need to be an article?
This is 100% wrong. I'm 46 and have ran out of gas once when I was a teenager. I have stopped to get gas countless times and prefer not to open my driverside door and be exposed to the person pulling in to get gas at the pump next to me..
Some, who group the vanlfers in with those who are homeless and living in their vehicles
I get it, Times are tough and I’m not against people living in their motor homes as opposed to a house, but people tend to make a “territory” for themselves and start acquiring things that spill outside of their Motor home and dirty up their surroundings. Then get mad at people for driving around their “space” that is…
“Maintenance and landscaping have a hard time as well, as they often have to work around the vanlifers or deal with them when they’re angry, or worse. Like dealing with hidden bags of poop that get on them while their working.”
I remember being taught that you should leave the campsite cleaner than you found it. Vanlifers might want to take note on that.
As a resident of Arizona all I can say is not it. We’ve already absorbed enough of Californias homeless (fentanyl addicts) population and don’t need the van lifers here. Maybe they can start a commune out in the (California, not Arizona) desert instead of siphoning resources from a neighborhood were they don’t…
Did you buy a large vehicle and make a public park your home? Will you help take care of said park? Come at me, but make it make sense
“He made his way down from Washington for the warmer weather of Southern California.”