I think it looks more like a puma.
I think it looks more like a puma.
Go back to the Ram Ranch.
Oh the entitlement... “Hey, the company that owns the material wasn’t using it the way *I* want them to, so I used it without their permission OR compensation! But remember, THEY are the bad guy!”
So what you’re saying is... you have no idea what the actual definition of communist is.
This is about ending government mandates over personal medical choices and tying them to people’s employment.
wrong country
As someone in Ottawa dealing with this mess, fuck you. These assholes don’t even know what they want.
Well, if you market your car as having “Full Self-Driving Capabilities”, it would lead the general public to assume the car can fully drive itself, no?
Unsafe for the Model A driver... who is going faster than a hypermiler.
Driver: “Hey, what’s that bright light off of the road? Welp, guess I’ll just drive straight into it.”
If random strangers are risking their own lives to save yours... put the damn phone away.
The Year: 2009
Did the article mention anywhere just WHAT the plea deal was?
“Here’s a deal... 90 years instead of 110!”
Huh, now we know Tucker Carlson’s kinja handle.
Any vehicle with an ignition interlock device.
First we complain about stewards getting involved, now we complain about stewards NOT getting involved.
It won’t be bad to stick around AT. Until Tsunoda learns the tracks & cars more, RBR will stick with Perez, as RBR need someone to help them take it to Mercedes.
Sweet jebus, we’re gonna “FAKE NEWZ!!!111!!!” a fricking moose test video now?!?
It’s Transport Canada, not Transit Canada.