
It’s not that NASCAR is desperate for sponsors, it’s that Rick Ware is desperate for sponsors -and attention. And to your point, I’m *very* surprised NASCAR is allowing this (NASCAR has final approval of *all* sponsors that appear on cars) given the heat surrounding Parler.

The tech race is cool and all, but if you need a comma, there’s too much power for a daily driver.

There’s this crazy guy that tries to sell cars by saying they can fully drive themselves.

I can’t imagine *ANY* state giving full-auto trucks the greenlight with the existing infrastructure in place. When you’ve got Tesla’s smashing into medians and cop cars, would the public be ok with a computer controlling 80,000 lbs rolling down the highway?

destroy what makes it unique — like Silverstone’s transformation in 2010.

Honest question, would those that support the seatbelt interlock also support automatic speed limiters?

1st Gear: So... America needs to be more like China?

You need a #1 and a #2. Schumacher always had a #2. Vettel always had a #2. Two #1s = loooots of broken carbon fibre, and someone else winning.

This is why State level elections are important.

In 2008 my boss at the time bought his son a ‘71 Mach 1 Mustang (because that was the boss’ dream car growing up). His son didn’t like it, and was actually a bit afraid of it. In two months, the son: did donuts in the middle of an intersection when he hit the gas too hard while turning left, panicked, and floored it

for daring to distribute probably no longer available games that Nintendo’s not making money off of anyway

Americans don’t seem to have a problem buying cars made in China (Buick), or cars made by a Chinese company (Volvo), but they’ll probably have a problem buying car with a Chinese name on it.

No, more like teams figured out how to put automation into their airguns. Like automatic shutoffs when it hits a certain pressure, so the airgun stops spinning the nut instead of the tirechanger having to do so.

This is why NASCAR went to spec airguns.

Pfft, EASY!! 1984, so I’d grab a Fiero. Engine swap, some minor tweaks (rims and bodywork). My friend had an 86 and I LOVED that car... really should have bought it off him, but my wife rather likes having me alive.

If you’re banning this and NOT banning Bro Trucks, yes, it’s racist.

Not only are they NOT defunct, they are McLaren’s Official Lubricant Supplier.

In 2003 my father bought a used 1996 Infiniti I30t. We got it with a little over 100,000 KM. A fully loaded ‘Luxury Maxima’ for $11k CDN (I think). I loved that car, and when my dad no longer needed it, it was passed on to me a in 2006 (he wound up taking a job beside where my mother worked, so no more need for two

Update! He’s an Instagram D-bag, that was arrested Monday for doing the same thing... and he’s been released already.

Wow, it took like, a minute for a site to rip off this post.

“Is this not the car wash?... I thought this was the car wash...”