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Depends on the mod. Nullos don’t usually add a hole creating turbulence/cavitation. Now if we’re talking trans surgeries... yeah, spread them legs for air-braking.

You think gawker cares about accurate info or the harm their lack of accuracy causes? ^_^


Uh, you can do a deep dive without a sub. In fact it’s rather normal to use stages attached to cables for those long descents and deco times.

Perhaps it’s because some folks don’t understand what harassment means and throw the word around every time someone disagrees with them.

Less drag.

But look they’re standing back a safe distance!

Sure you want to hear what it has to say?

And when the storms come in and start wagging that ship’s hull around, tearing it from it’s moorings? Sounds great but lots of issues with it hanging it’s ass in the water while some of it is fixed.

Brought my own!

Magnesium hulls just makes the shipwreck cleanup easier. Once the spalling sets it alight the thermite reaction will take care of the rest. “We’re green!”

Floating metal...

Or maybe, just maybe you can consider merit before gender?

You get squishier.

There’s only so many ways to perform a waltz...

I believe my first was when my mother kissed me on the forehead when I was born.

Good luck with your white knighting.

The slaving at a job to maintain her lifestyle part completely flew over your head didn’t it. You sound like a woman.