
Gawker complaining about conflicts of interest? Gawker complaining about accuracy in data?

Do you report on every time you come up with a new quilt design for toilet paper?

But it's totally ok when you post Hulk Hogan's personal stuff right?

Oh shit, acting the butt-hurt blogger again. Called on the trolling issue and looky, the posts get hidden.

This technology is going to make destruction derby's boring ^_^

How long until the first baby is strapped into an Oculus from the day they get home from the hospital until the day they leave the nest?

Want to end trolling? Get Denton to retire, taking his troll task-force with him.

Maybe they should have nipped the SJW menace in the bud before things got out of hand. It also doesn't help when yellow journalism is egging them onto worse and worse behavior for the clicks.

With a face only a mother could love. It's fugly :/

Sweet I can run King's Quest again without DosBox?

Some people have more influence than they should.

So SJWs got him thrown in the hole? Wow, they are a menace.

Can't get any worse.

Yep, science for idiots. Whatever you say Hoss. Kek.

You made a false comparison and now you're trying to move the goal posts. Your point is shit if it's hidden behind false equivalence.

Roaches: Food designed for survival.

Just have the lawmakers play with origin and uplay. They'll make the right to strip DRM an amendment.

Is your stomach a composter? No, it is a chemical processing plant complete with solvents.

And it will get lost by itself too.

Know how I know you don't have your merit badge?