
I’d watch it.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

the “intelligent black man” trope is a thing that gets discussed whenever a black man is intelligent (like, oh, he’s so smart for a black guy). I was qualifying because I’ve seen such statements come off as shocked that there were intelligent black people.


Well, there’s not a lot of race in Wasilla.

“This is the kind of stuff Obama Palins needs to STAY out of.”

“it’s refreshing to see athletes stop with the platitudes and engage with the most consequential debate of 2015.”


I didn’t say he was *responsible,* just as people aren’t “responsible” when a crazy person shoots up a high school, but they do have some culpability. Locked cockpits, tighter restrictions on items brought on planes ... shit like that would have went a long way to preventing 9/11.

Thanks. So it’s semantics.


Is he elected by the popular vote? I did not know that.

An even older communist:

“I don’t think you know what communism or socialism actually mean. Sanders is,”

“Other Peoples Money”

I await your video. NSFW obviously.

“libertarian dweeb like Rand Paul”

Quite possibly the worst debate backdrop I’ve ever seen.

Trump’s web site only has one item under “Policy.” Guess what it is? If you said “immigration,” give yourself a star. It’s no wonder his foreign policy answers are mumbo-jumbo.

He’s Adequate Man!