
stop spamming the threads with this same comment.

They never inhaled.

A five year suspension for testing positive for weed? That’s outrageous. It’s a bullshit rule, and Stephen A., being the shock-jock he is, is just piling on the bullshit pyramid.

I’m probably older than you are, but thanks for being an asshole about the whole thing.

You need to read some political science academics. He’s not the best, but he’s certainly not “objectively terrible.”

I like learning. I like when I can learn from the person who makes the obscure reference, too. I don’t think I should have to run to Google instead.

So much this!

“I bet you don’t even think it’s possible to objectively view him as terrible.”


You don’t have to participate. And judging by your statements, it’s probably better if you don’t.

This is good kinja.

Because of course.

Why must I always do all the work when someone makes a relatively obscure reference? It’s an interesting subject, to be sure, and I’m glad someone didn’t lmgtfy reply.


That guy was a nutbag. That documentary was haunting, because you could see it coming a mile away. Highly recommended watch, though.

Yes! Give it to them, Obama. Invite him to the WH, just to watch RWNJ heads assplode!


WTF is that?

That sweater (it’s called a sweater in hockey, isn’t it?) is ugly shit. No personality.