Sorta. It’s kinda like “well played.”
Sorta. It’s kinda like “well played.”
One improvement I’d like to see is for the hamburger menu to “follow” you down the screen (in Chrome on Mac, at least). It’s a PITA to scroll to the end of a 200-comment post and then have to wheel all the way back up to the top to go to another GM blog/sub-blog.
All that work on a kit car for an auto transmission. CP.
I think ZeFrank could have transitioned to TV. Also, Justin Fucking Bieber started out as a YouTuber IIRC, and Bo Burnham, although he transitioned more to comedy touring and TV specials. So it’s not always the case.
Because of course she is. She thinks she’s being cute by not affixing her “title” to the documents. Judge should slap her back in jail.
I kinda miss Regretsy. What happened that made her shut it down?
I’d really love them to put on the black face and see how that Victorian ethos works for them.
brooklyn has running water and flushing toilets and (OMG) air conditioning! doesn’t it?
I’m kind of disappointed I didn’t see anything from Chronic Town.
Yeah, I’m not arguing whether it’s worth it or not, or whether it’s stupid or not. California has an anti-SLAPP law expressly because people do stupid shit with the courts. :)
“This is not true.” Yes. It is.
“But games are not media platforms, and hence, the communication that takes place within it should not be considered defamation, isn’t it?”
“I do want to know where they get all their money though,”
There was a long thread on the earlier article. They sound bonkers. You should check out their actual web site. Apparently, they live off of making presentations about their itchy clothes, coal-fired heat and unsafe bicycles.
I was thinking the same.
You’re no longer grey, and sorry for your loss, but that was very touching.