
Unless the diagnosis is “You have stage 4 colon/rectal cancer. Do you have a will? You might want to use my phone to call a lawyer, then.”

I think it would sell for the $5-6K range, personally. The roll cage gives me the heebee jeebees, because that means it’s been rode hard (maybe not put up wet), which is why I voted CP.

Interestingly, in some of the first books NOT written by Ian Fleming, Bond adopted a Saab 900, illustrating that even James Fucking Bond couldn’t save Saab!

Yeah, it’s obvious Bond has fucks to give.

The old bumper sticker still works: “The Silent Majority is neither.”

I wish a motherfucker would! The realist in me says he’s not going to make it. I wish wish wish I would be proven wrong.

I’ve had people I knew from high school 20 years ago spout that Take Our Country Back bullshit. Ugh. Want to unfollow, but will probably just ignore.

They still hate the tea party candidates, but it’s one thing to win a district, quite another to win a presidential race. None of the tea party-supported presidential candidates made it out of the primaries.

Nixon and Reagan, for all their faults, were also consummate politicians. They didn’t call everyone in their own party running against them ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant.’

The best way for her to get even would have been to finish higher than him. Eye for an eye = 34th apparently.

One thing I’ve found when writing with pen/paper is that I think through what I’m putting on paper more, because I have to write, and while I’m writing longhand, I’m actually able to think ahead easier. If that makes any sense at all. The biggest issue for me, alas, is hand cramps. :/

Wig or real? You decide.

COTD Blackflag edition.

“Worse yet, Azerbaijan has a questionable tendency to try and smooth over its questionable human and political rights record with lavish gifts and junkets for foreign dignataries (sic) —a policy often referred to as “caviar diplomacy.”

Now playing

“(whose name is a delightful reference to a great Super Nintendo game AND an HBO comedy) “

Jalopnifide for added truthiness.

I don’t know if it’s the dress, or the way she’s standing, but, ugh, that looks like she has a weird back problem. The dour face doesn’t help.

Peak stupid is a lie.

Or May 8, 1945 in Berlin.

I was coming here to mention this. Wondering the over/under on “lifetime” here.