
I did a 5-year loan on a used car, and it was a good investment (FOR ME) because it was a dependable late model (‘08 bought in ‘10) that had low miles and had already done its major depreciation. Just paid it off (financed through a Credit Union, not the dealership, thank FSM). I’d never buy a new car again unless I

Summarized as: Clickbait in print.


Ha! I see what you did there.


I was gifted a 76 Corolla hand-me-down in HS during the mid-80s. You have the correct answer.

“Steve Ballmer” - unless he’s bringing a suitcase full of cash, I’m not sure Ballmer’s winning personality is going to help matters.

“Door toss was an accident.” No, I’d say he intentionally tossed the door. The door disintegrating was an accident.

“Door toss was an accident.” No, I’d say he intentionally tossed the door. The door disintegrating was an accident.

/headline writer ;)

It was a weird dynamic. Even some people who opposed Walker’s policies didn’t believe he should be recalled. The second candidate they ran against him was weak, as well.

There’s a whole LIST of GOP politicians who are gunning for the Dick Cheney Memorial Most Evil Championship. (Perry, Walker, Christie, Rauner, the new Texas Gov., etc.)

Was going to mention the same thing. He’s an evil shit. There’s no WAY he wasn’t involved.

The same state that gave us Robert La Follette also gave us Joseph McCarthy. :/

Backpfeifengesicht - a face that should be slapped. Why can’t English have cool words like this? It fits Walker perfectly (only because of his odious policy initiatives).


Too much fixin’ to do. CP.

I can’t believe I didn’t get partial credit for this.