
The example I always think of is Arrested Development. The show was much funnier and more creative when they had to work around network constraints and either allude to crude terms and jokes or use the occasional extended bleep to leave what characters were actually saying to the viewer’s imagination.

Yeah I like Timm’s work a lot, but he was not the singular visionary behind TAS like a lot of people give him credit for. He has some weird things about the Batman mythos he is focused on, has a huge obsession with very specific female body types, and really likes to sex up stuff even if it seems out of place. He

I think BTAS is one of those cases where the many creative limitations on the show, while frustrating for the writers, actually made it better.

Who is the Bat? Well first off, Batman is a detective.

Its amazing, we’re still locking these people up and the guy who incited it is in line to retake the White House.

On the other hand, this is what appears to be a thoughtful news piece on the 2024 AV Club. How did that happen?

Basically, until society accepts that journalism isn’t much of a moneymaker and stops trying to milk it for cheap clicks”

The tone of this piece is bleak. And accurate. 

What's this!? That bombastic birdbrain the Penguin back to bamboozle the bourgeoisie of the bustling burg of Gotham City!?

when he got on the obama birther bandwagon.....yeh, that’s when i started realising what was coming next.

They don’t care if you say corporations are evil if you don’t specifically mention them. Stewart said some way more contentious things than this on the show.

Just guessing here, but I’d imagine a few days of the CEO’s pay + bonuses would easily fund the band for a full year.

As Paul F. Tompkins said, “It’s a MONO-logue.”

I’m sure she was sectioned off partly to feel “safer” but also partly because of her stinky poops.

It is October 2019. I am reading a news story about how “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is bad. They say there is a new version by John Legend and Kelly Clarkson.

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’

Where’s the entry for “Everyone Not Named John Wick” in John Wick 1-4?

To be fair, with Google going all in on AI, a search these days might return results about a robbery at Zack Snyder’s house.

Uh Snyder is the one stanning Trump here