
I’m not the biggest Bethesda fan out there, but I’m baffled about your complaint that Fallout 3 was “inaccessible”. How so? If anything, the problem with Bethesda games is that they are too accessible, with ridiculous amounts of hand-holding that make knowing what to do and where to go trivial because you just follow

The subhead contains the phrase “abuse from Tom Holland,” which at first glance can make it sound like he had something to do with the abuse. Reading the subhead in full dispels that notion, of course.

Well duh. Why else would he be dating a Black woman?

It’s horrible that actors are having to deal with this, and I’m glad to see so that the actor in question is receiving support from her peers. But I’m not sure what any individual or small group of people can do. I do think that there are supportive services like counseling in dealing with this ugly part of social

War of the Gargantuas DOES have a connection to Frankenstein — it’s a sequel to Frankenstein Conquers the World, in which the titular monster somehow gets to kaiju size and battles Baragon. The two gargantuas here are “descendants” of that Frankenstein, generated from left over tissue from that monster.

Now playing

That’s not the real Gamera song and you know it! This is the REAL Gamera theme:

I find it interesting that they seem to have decided to drop all mention of the “Eta” or Untouchable caste of the time, although it came up multiple times in the book and original show, most notably when Blackthorne attempts to reunite with his shipmates. In the book and original show, aside from them being filthy drun

I can’t think of two entertainers more committed to the concept of performance, I feel this is going to be rad.

Well at least we’re not already calling this a “dangerous” movie which will inspired incels and should be banned for the safety of audiences.

It’s interesting comparing Ben to Mark, who was intended as the romantic lead originally. Mark was intended to be the straight man, but they overdid it and made him boring.

What makes Ben an improvement is that he has his own quirks, even if he’s not as obvious about them as Leslie is. Fans can even name them without

The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”

I think that was the 90s Captain America movie. If I recall, the star was Matt Salinger.

Yes. Both of Summers’s Nickelodeon shows (Double Dare and What Would You Do) ended in 1993; Schneider’s first Nickelodeon show (All That) started in 1994.

I would love to hear what Christine “Moose” McGlade thinks about any of this

Do Hey Dude or Salute Your Shorts cast members make any appearances? I enjoyed those shows.

My issue with the doc is a common problem I see with these HBO Documentary “series”. They have enough material for a real tight and interesting 2 hour documentary but then decide to pad it and “shocking cliff hangers” and such to turn it into 4 episodes of content. I binged it so maybe I noticed it a bit more but

While the doc overall has worthy goals, I do wonder why you’d even bother steering an interview with him in this direction since, as has been pointed out, it has nothing to do with the shows he was on and generally concerns a phase of the network that was after his time there.

Or Tombstone and Wyatt Earp in 1993/1994! Or Volcano and Dante’s Peak in 1997. Or Armageddon and Deep Impact in 1998. But the underwater craze in 1989 was the extreme case. Besides the films you mention, there was also The Evil Below and The Rift. That has to be a record of the number of copycat films. Although the

Mandy certainly made a bigger splash but it’s hard to argue which indie Cage film should go on a list like this. I probably agree that it should’ve been Pig given the *relative* popularity (heavy emphasis on the asterisks) of Mandy but [shrug].

It’s.... weird. The tone of the recent entries is reverent towards the Ghostbusters, which makes sense in a narrative wherein the guys became famous and lauded. But the actual narrative tells us that once the paranormal activity of the original films significantly diminished everyone started to forget the events of