
Space Battles!

Splash Mountain was a spin-off of Song of the South.
Big Thunder Mountain isn’t tied to any other franchises, it’s just a western-themed runaway train roller coaster.

Yeah, people expect that character now, so I can forgive that.

I will never forgive them tearing out the penny arcade and the magic shop to put in a store selling more clothes with character faces on them.  That was a bridge too far.

I haven’t seen the film, but I looked it up for the purposes of commenting on this article, and apparently Skipper went rogue at some point in the past.  You explore that event and its consequences.  The only tricky part is figuring out where the social commentary comes in, but we can let the writers worry about

I thought it was the war against the genocide of the unborn.

“Kotaku reached out to Nickelodeon for comment.”


He’s half right.

I’ve often thought of Millenials as Gen-X’s little sibling. Different, but we get along and clearly have the same DNA.

Gen Z is like the weirdo kid in the neighborhood that neither of us really understand.

Luckily, Gen X’s defining characteristic is to roll our eyes at that kind of mistake and move on.
Like, whatever, man.

Gathegi is a whisper thin young man, he’s going to have to put on some muscle mass to look like the funnybook version.

How dare she!
Why isn’t she at home making petrol bombs and riot shields?

She got it at the gladiator shop.

Technically an ATTEMPTED cannibal.

What’s wrong with a shirt with snaps now?

I wonder who the other director she had a problem with was.
I’m gonna say Bob Saget, just because that’s the most fun answer.

This isn’t a “Karen freakout.” A “Karen freakout” would be if she was having a tantrum because she brought on a carry-on that’s too big and demanded to speak to the pilot when they tell her it needs to go in with the checked luggage.

This woman appears to be having a psychotic break.

Is that weird-ass player supposed to do something?

IIRC, she was only on their because Seinfeld’s daughter was super into her.

And early ‘70s Grimace actually had four hands, so we’ve come full circle.