That said, Lando SHOULD’VE been the dapper contact they were supposed to meet that’s glimpsed only briefly.
Would’ve been a good tease to lead into a larger part for him in the next one.
Definitely started in the early ‘80s. Sabbath were big amongst rockers, but they just looked like ‘70s hippie stoners and Ozzy wasn’t biting bats and doves and peeing on national monuments yet.
It was the 1970s. Nobody’d done anything quite like that before. Some of the glam bands, especially Alice Cooper (whose music and image matched better) came close, but KISS were treading new ground in looking over the top scary on stage.
He should use some of it for a trip to the dentist, amirite?
OK, but why does the article have a picture of King Buzzo?
“He was originally supposed to play the character that Steve Carell plays in the movie,”
Huh. I just assumed the Tom Hanks character was originally Murray’s.
Because it’s not exactly like the cartoons.
Walker came really, really close and the fact that Republicans won every other statewide election on that ballot means that a lot of people would’ve voted for a different Republican over the numbskull had they run one.
I’m still angry about the flames on Optimus Prime!
I’m guessing these “offers of help” all involved having her mental health journey filmed and broadcast on TV.
I really hope we eventually learn that movie Contessa is Fury’s ex-wife, but that would be too cool so I doubt they’ll do it.
They should’ve replaced her WITH Roseanne.
Sometimes I’ll type “forum” to see if someone answered it a long time ago when websites had their own forums and discussion pages.
I think we’re reaching a point where, because Disney’s villains are as iconic and marketable as their heroes, the characters can’t actually be BAD in any real way. Wouldn’t do to sell a backpack featuring a character with poor morals! Looks for an Ursula origin movie next where we discover she’s actually just…
That’s weird, there was a lot of that stuff in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Covenant Sword & the Arm of the Lord, Aryan Nations, the Oklahoma City bombings, Ruby Ridge...
ctrl-f “dirty black summer”
Phrase not found.
This list is useless.
Scarlett Johansson? She still looks white to me.
She’s kind of a flake.