
It even happened to Jack Black.

It’s certainly the best one since the second one.  And it’s more competently made than the first one.

Ralph Bakshi is spinning in his grave!

Amanda Plummer came to chew scenery and bubblegum and she’s all out of gum.

“How old are you? ‘I’m gonna be 16!’ You could be 12, see. But you’re gonna be 16.” -
Larry Miller

That does not look funny.
Life And Beth was really good, though. Should’ve gotten more attention.

I’m glad they clarified that. I simply assume every single thing that happens at any concert venue is celebrated by the performer unless told otherwise.

“Jokes? That wasn’t a comedic character!”
- Weinberg, probably

It’s about time they brought back Rachel Sweet and the Higgins Boys & Gruber.

“Who’s gonna turn down a Junior Mint? It’s chocolate, it’s peppermint.  It’s delicious! It’s very refreshing.”

I was going to say “See also: Harrison’s ‘Art of Dying,’” but that predates “Live And Let Die” by 3 years.

Also, almost anything by Portishead.

Do you go into Lord of the Rings threads and tell everyone Return of the King came out in 1980?

The real test is, “is he as beloved as Bill Murray” where the world just collectively pretends the accusations never occurred.

If that last Weeknd album is to be believed, she’s totally into being choked.

String or nothing.

That Hawk the Slayer reboot is going to be lit.

I said something similar about the first couple of episodes of Wandavision, but apparently slavish devotion to a corny 60 year old sense of humor has its fans.

Interviewer: Does she have a big part?