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    They can't say anything without being sued.

    That's what was bugging me! I was seeing the similarity, but I couldn't put my finger on why I hated it. Outlook puts the navbar on the left, as does Reeder. This is some screwy layout that puts it on the right.

    @reuthermonkey: And then you've got Sprint, with 100% uncapped data, no throttling, rock-solid 3G coverage, and a rapidly growing WiMax network.

    @Greg_The_Bunny: I wouldn't say that too loudly. Big brother's watching...

    @ddhboy: Does that include coverage?

    @lhfan04: Keep in mind that Virgin throttles the crap out of their phones, but not the Mifis/USB cards.

    @Bob Reck: Jailbreak + MyWi. Why should you mess around with your contract just for some basic bluetooth tethering when you can just install a Wifi or USB tethering app for a small one-time fee?

    This doesn't work under Mac OS 10.6.6 on a 2010 model MacBook Air.

    @orev: China.

    @lordargent: Are you using the right angle connector or the straight connector? I found that the right angle connector holds onto my MacBook much better than the straight one.

    Can we get more levels for this game/a way to easily add more to the game? I loved World of Goo, but it gets old after a few times through it...

    Will this work on an actual Mac too, or did the community replace too many of the kexts?

    That's got to be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of. Seriously. When you burn fats/greases, you get a very large, hot, and high flame that can't be put out with water. If you people want to burn your houses down instead of buying a candle, go ahead, but I'm going to be safe and use a traditional wicked oil

    So where's the Mac OS X version of OneNote to go with this?

    @Ham_Sandwich: As in, we've never seen the Sony Ericsson logo, but we see the Clear logo frequently.

    What if we only recognize the Clear logo, and we don't recognize the Sony logo at all?

    @xTRICKYxx: Because a tightly integrated system is completely useless for writing.

    @Nick2: Adding onto this because that edit button seems to have disappeared:

    @Cochese 2.0: If we're dragging metaphors into a legal case, then there's something wrong.