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    @Merricat: Apparently she also is the Overwatch. On a side note, why does the overwatch speak english? If you're trying to catch a HUMAN fugitive, wouldn't it work better to speak combinese so that they can't understand what's going on?

    @deanbmmv: Actually, the SDK isn't free. It requires ownership of a Source game. A better test would be to install the Portal demo. (Portal: First Slice)

    @Thomathan: I'll admit to playing it for about 2 weeks. After a while, it ends up like animal crossing: Repetitive, pointless, and you're going nowhere. It's bad.

    @paco650: Flaw with that: Throw a molly, and EVERYONE dies.

    @njdevil: Not pills, peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels!

    @njdevil: YES! Whoever makes this one deserves... something!

    @Eruanno: Or when you're using Vista/7 and you get anything XP like.

    @Cheshire Cat: Really, I've been loving Wave's integration with the bots. the WaveAlpha bot makes chemistry notes MUCH eaiser to take.

    @SuprShin: I'm looking at you Crysis.... I've had to wait a minute after it reached 100% occasionally, and that's just cruel.

    @DaveyNC: It is, especially once you throw in a few bots. Of course, wave having collaborative potential, there is the risk of a school blocking it. Blocked notes FTW!

    @agentgray: I always do a clean shutdown. I have a deep hatred for those who do a hard shutdown. That, and people who poke non touchscreens.

    @Futurexrisen: Not only that, but the very existence of the patch can be blamed for the number of glitches. Back in the day, you had to either ship your game with fixed bugs, or you had to ship it with bugs, and condemn it to failure. Now, you ship a game with bugs, and iron them out over the next month.

    @Moonshadow101: And it goes fine because you remembered to put it into offline mode.

    @jallen: Or you can just skip the manuals, go green, and still lose nothing at all. Most games include tutorial levels anyway now, so they're irrelevant.

    @cyber rat: I expected news of Black Mesa Source. Assuming that they're telling the truth about it getting released by the end of the year, they have 32 days.

    How did Arch Linux not make the list? Ubuntu couldn't breath any life into my aging laptop, when Arch could!

    I just use IRC + XDCCing to search. It's fast enough for me, stuff is common enough, and it's much less of a pain. (Plus, for the uberparanoid, you could route it through Tor.)

    @SacGamer: I bought Crysis (Maximum Edition) for $50. EA provided me with deactivation tools, but only for Warhead. The original can't be deactivated. 3 installs of Windows later (one for Vista x64, one for 7 RC, and one for 7 retail), and I'm unable to install the game. I don't give a damn that it's "stealing". If I