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    @Nick2: It has better compatibility than my PS2 emulator :p. Games that work with it with no major glitches:

    @Platypus Man: When I tried it ~2 months ago, it worked pretty well. Most things worked fine, but sound had MAJOR issues. Also, some games (FE:SD) had issues with things not rendering correctly. (Fog caused problems)

    @electrolemon: Even then it is of debatable legality. Ripping the ROMs is painfully slow, and still against the ToS. That said, I just download it anyway.

    We need an article on mechanical pencils. I'm looking for some good ones.

    @TunaFish: Agreed. If you have to, break in and do an undercover documentary!

    @s73v3r: You got soulcrusher grey? I'm still stuck with bare white plastic.

    I'd use this every day if I didn't hate twitter. This needs to show up on the gawker network!

    @Gotlactose: No. You may be able to virtualize Tiger in VMware, but I can't get it to virtualize at all, on anything.

    @AliShaikh: The idiot's guide to usenet:

    Neither. I have yet to find any good use for Growl on Windows/Mac OS. E-Mail: Thunderbird gives me a nice little chime. Download is done? You look at the browser window/downloads stack.

    @lostarchitect: I went with a glowing blue monstrosity of a case for my basement server. I needed space, and I wanted it cheap. The case is really flashy and hideous, but it WAS only $30. Please don't judge people by their cases.

    Hmm... I need to install a bot that upgrades from IE 6 over and over...

    Windows 98 defrag utility. It wins on nostalgia alone for me.

    @pure241: What kind of machine is this? If it's something that won't run 7 well, you seriously need to upgrade now. My Pentium 4 laptop (Radeon 7500) won't run it. It runs like shit on XP/Linux too. Javascript kills it.

    @VagrantRadio: Then you sir, are an idiot. It's the easiest Windows version to install so far. Either that, or your computer sucks badly.

    I also grabbed a few of the pre-beta releases that were leaked over Bittorrent. Back when you needed to run BlueBadge for Win7 features... The pre-betas ran better than the beta. RC1 fixed that though.

    I'm looking to unlock my old Treo 650 from Cingular. Can anyone here reccommend a good IMEI based unlocking service? Does anyone here have access to the tools/software to generate the unlock codes?

    I'm interested in unlocking my Treo 650 via an IMEI code. Does anyone know a reputable service/have the know how to preform the unlock?