
This is NOT showing up free for me. It says that, with contract, it will be $199. Then it says there is the $100 rebate before checkout. Then, at checkout, it says $199 + $36 Upgrade Fee, with no mention of the rebate, leaving my total at $235. Im assuming the rebate is not included here because it must be redeemed or

now if we extrapolate this data....

Me either. i say there was some photoshopping involved. If someone was caught moving, which we see in this video more than once, then what if someone was just post-up against a wall or something? I find it hard to believe that less than 15 people were standing relatively still in some of these cities.

Thanks! Much clearer than the one in the article!

Will they be equally as bland?

Nah... that would be too fair.

uhhh... i dont what you're trying to say.

I think the whole futuristic look is what they were going for. I think they'll look dumb to people who don't know what they are, but when they realize how cool their functionality [might be], they'll be super jelly.

IMO, an even better example is Crocs.

Apparently he invented computers and phones or something.

Agreed. With Proton Therapy and Cyberknife, the side effects are reduced even more, and they are more accurate then conventional radiation therapy as well.

"couple possibilities:"

Because the Galaxy Note is the device of the future. *ba dum tss*

But will it teleport Gel-banas?

Yeah, but phone companies hate three things about this type of plane: its transparency, fairness, and contractlessness.

No, they amended the sacrilegious act by adding "Weak Battery Life". The iPhone has great battery life.

What?!? You can't call Google "significant" either. Foolish child.

Joke's on them; they're using taxpayer money to handle meddling young'ns.


As far as i can tell, Metro isnt event meant to be used very often on a nontouchscreen or nonKinect desktop. That is the Desktop Version is for, which is essentially a tweaked Win7 interface.