

1:30 am service is hardcore.

I’ve been there and it is actually the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life and I own a mirror.

We’ve been friends since 1980 before you had an album out, and we were always sweet to one another I wonder what changed. Voice maybe ?

Stop sexting me at work.

Full disclosure: I typed that while lying down.


Maybe don’t have 19 kids. One of them is gonna do something messed up. That’s just math.

Only if you’re lucky

And for the record, my love of D’Onofrio has endured through all of his weight losses and gains and I would still probably ride him to the dawn were the opportunity to arise.

Charming Charlie! Everything in the store is by color too. I could spend ALL THE MONIES there. :)

Statement necklaces are up there with lipstick on my list of how to make a pedestrian outfit (and a makeup free face) look put together and polished. Take a plain t-shirt, throw a huge-ass necklace on it, BOOM. Meh outfit, now new and improved.

Kylie at the pre-awards dinner. Keep at it, kiddo!!

coming forward and being like “Hey, this famous person you guys think is so GREAT...she’s lying about her age and she wasn’t EVEN FUNNY” just makes you seem like a small, salty bitch. Like, this is not Talented Mr Ripley levels of deception.

Does giving someone a “go fuck yourself” look , when they are serving you make you feel good or like what’s the point?

See now, I don’t get this. Do you also go to McDonald’s and order a “Double Decker Patty Sandwich With Special Sauce On A White Bun Adorned With Small Seeds Often Associated With Asian Cuisine”?

I’m entirely distracted by the Kia logo in the background of all the shots. My company does a lot of work for them, and they changed the logo slightly a few years ago, but the difference is subtle enough that it’s damned hard to tell if you aren’t looking at a huge blow up of the two side by side. Making sure it’s

I’m sure some doulas cater exclusively to annoying crunchy rich people, but most of the doulas I know have very reasonable rates and specifically make their services available to women from all walks of life. My local hospital has a huge network of volunteer doulas that anyone can have present at their birth for free.