Michelle, Malala, and Bey??! Yes please!
Michelle, Malala, and Bey??! Yes please!
Completely non science based anecdote: My mom didn’t realize she was pregnant for the first three months of carrying me (nice body awareness mom) and likes to joke that I was swiiiiimmmming in margaritas. I turned out fine...thoooough it kind of explains a lot about me.
I kept expecting some sort of twist. “And the fetus was abducted by aliens!” or “and then she woke up... It was all a dream!”
This seems like a reasonable position. Also:
Wow almost 9 months after the Charlie Hebdo shootings they are putting someone on trial for inciting racial hatred against a group that thinks all gay people should be killed. Maybe it’s because I am gay. But I don’t really think we should be putting someone on trial for inciting violence against a group that wants…