
Mad TV and In Living Colour was my top choice for sketch shows. While SNL always came in third. That’s it.

Hey, I liked it purely for the fact that Digital Underground (with Tupac) was in it.

It’s kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda reminiscent about someone else who’s in the news a lot these days, albeit with more complete sentences.

I usually enjoy a bit of Fletch if it happens to be on.

My friend’s dad pulls that crap all the time. Some years ago, at the friend’s 30th birthday party, we were chit-chatting, and the topic turned to a roast he had recently made when he was over there for dinner.

Gotta say the only times I’ve ever found Chase funny was the National Lampoon films and Caddyshack.

His inability to praise anyone without simultaneously cutting them down to size - like his comments on Tina Fey and Eddie Murphy in the article - is just pure asshole. 

So? They’ve lived with watching everyone else’s stories forever because that was the only thing available, what’s so terrible about having a queer or two in a good show? There are literally millions upon millions of straight, cis people who have no problem watching that (and might even WANT to because it gives them

Yes, why people so impatient for diversity in MCU? We’ve only have 50 consecutive movies starring white guys over last ten years! Give them some time!

> I think it’s a bit dangerous for people to expect that LGBTQIA2S+ people be inserted into places where they wouldn’t fit

Jesus, these comments are a wreck. All I see is people freaking out about LGBTQ representation, like they can catch the queer from having to look at us or hear our stories.  Yikes.

Queer people in a show don’t have to always be part of an important message, though, that’s the point. It shouldn’t have to be such a big deal that it detracts from something else.

ALL of the U.S. has LGBTQ people in it, I never understand why people make the argument that having ANY in a TV show turns it into “everyone.” If 50% of TV shows had any queer characters that still wouldn’t represent reality, because 100% of reality has queer people.

Just stop demanding you deserve representation in every facet of society when you make up 3/100 people.

Martin Luther King once wrote book called Why We Can’t Wait. Entire thrust of book was that biggest thing holding back cause of equality and justice not was outright bigots by George Wallace. It was bigots like you, attacking people who have been oppressed for centuries for saying “I want it now!” Me not even gay, but

No one said that but you. And no one but you consider it “weird” that historically underrepresented people want to be fairly represented. Why exactly are you so threatened by queer folks wanting to be accurately represented on screen? How exactly does this take away from hundreds of thousands of hours of film and

You’re wrong about everything, but especially about who in this conversation is being whiny.

“I don’t want to make anyone angry—I never do and I never will.” That’s why you’re a shitty comedian, and that’s why you giggle along with hatemongers. People with spines and souls get angry at injustice, and don’t tailor their behavior to avoid making the perpetrators angry.

Fuck him. This is not a regret, it’s a “leave me alone”. Fucking coward.

I’m suspicious of anyone who thinks the bar for “good person” is “not being evil.” That said, if I had to pick one word for Fallon, it’d be banal.