
Not sure what you’d consider recent, but Walk Hard is a fantastic spoof of musical biopics. It works both as a spoof and as a film in its own right.

I maintain that the turn of the Millennium represented the nadir in modern cultural history. In TV we saw the unholy rise of the ‘reality show’ and, its close relative, the ‘talent’ show, fashion was dominated by the size zero/anorexic Rachel Zoe look, the musical charts were being topped by boy bands and Lolita-like

I mostly agree with the piece, but I detect the author slightly turning his nose up at the “anything-for-a-laugh” movies that came after Airplane. Some of my absolute favourite spoof movies are from that era, and I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with prioritising the yuks over “character” or “theme”.

It’s like being white in a lot of ways, as Damon points out — the same obligations that men have towards women and making things right, are by and large the same obligations that white people have to people of color.

Holding your hand up and going my bad, not cool, is how we all get out of having to actually do anything. We acknowledged that things are bad and you want us to do something about that too!?!?!

Millennials didn’t learn from the Baby Boomers that shaming an entire population doesn’t cause awareness that leads to change. It causes awareness of a social standard that leads to pretending to change. That’s why we have wypipo calling themselves the victims of racism. They are tired of the shaming and tired of the

Nah, that’s like the people who say “I’m not good at” returning people’s calls, emails or texts. Bullshit. As long as you are talking about what you are or are not, you are not doing. You’re stalling with the shame show. Its moral masturbation

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing

She’s a fucking *Oscar-winng actress.* Between her film, theatre, and sci-fi cred, I wonder what you do feel “required” to care about.

Because issues of black identity are massively important and changing rapidly. The annoying black actress article you shrug off engaging with today, is the embarrassingly out of touch comment you make innocently a year from now that creates strife for your friends, family, or co-workers.

Everyone’s talking to you about her tiny role in The Force Awakens but she also won an Oscar for 12 Years a Slave. But Oscar or no Oscar, she’s a fantastic actor

Are you pretending that while on a website on the WORLD WIDE WEB, you couldn’t get that information yourself?

To all the clueless white men on here (or in some cases, white men pretending not to have a clue) who are doing a finer job than Grazia’s PR team of looking for reasons why Lupita is wrong, wrong, wrong about why they photoshopped her hair off - can I just say:

Oh dear oh dear - you’re one of those people who gets their jollies going into places you hate and annoying everyone who likes being there. I could toss out the usual, accurate descriptors - sad, pathetic, monstrously irritating, crushingly narcissistic etc. etc. - but I’ve already reached my maximum allotted time for

She’s a famous actress who was in - amongst other things - The Force Awakens, which made umpty-billion dollars on release and dominated the industry nws cycles for months.

The internet doesn’t require you to care, but being on the Audio Visual Club - a website devoted to the film, television, and music industry - and

Jordo, are you SERIOUSLY taking issue with a black woman describing her own hair as kinky?

KLF is gonna rock you.

I stand, like Tammy, stand by my jams.

And they drive an ice cream van.

It’s like a six year old learning what the word “ancient” means and then uses it anytime they can.