
It doesn’t matter if Joe Rogan shat on Eddie, that’s not how platforming works.

Some clever person (whose name sadly escapes me) quipped that Joe Rogan is like your neighbor’s stoner brother who’s done a whole semester at community college and who now wants to tell you how the world really works.

Joe Rogan is the quintessential dumb guy’s idea of a smart guy. Kanye is (now) everybody’s idea of a dumb guy. This’ll go great.

As opposed to the rich people who claimed bone spurs during Vietnam....

Heck that, I’m an American and therefore I am my own sovereign.

Are you not a believer in Trump jokes? I guess in late 2018 it’s marginal...

Etan Cohen, ladies and gentlemen!

I think we found Will or John or Etan’s relatives here, folks.

Will Ferrell is painfully unfunny and America has been sanctioning his buffoonery for decades - I’ve never been able to understand those who profess to enjoying his blustery, winking straight man shtick.

Yes, but on the other hand, Tessa Thompson is fantastic as Valkyrie, and if she hadn’t been allowed to audition for the role because of her skin color, we would’ve missed out on seeing just how good she could be.

“Most people in London are white British, so what’s wrong with having them as the majority of characters in a movie set in London”

Thor Ragnarok wasn’t about actual Vikings, it’s about a race of aliens (Asgardians) who inspired Norse mythology. Idris Elba is a POC and had been playing Heimdall already, and one of the Warriors Three was portrayed by an actor of Asian descent. So why would Tessa Thompson’s inclusion in the film annoy you so much.

lol ummmmm, Asgardians are fucking space aliens Heidi, not Vikings. You’re just a racist.

London might be majority white (around 60%, I think), but there’s a significant population of Black and Asian people, not quite 20% of each. It’s a very diverse city, so it looks odd when it’s depicted closer to ethnically homogeneous. It’s as jarring as “Friends” having a white NYC for 9 years...

Tell them to make sure they have strong reading comprehension because it will be helpful in all aspects of life.

Black Frankie saying “Damn, You murdered the shit out of that motherfucker” had me on the floor. Best line delivery of the entire show.

I love Alysia Reiner in the few things I have seen her in. She plays a tremendously compelling asshole. Also, even though she is way skinnier than what I usually go for, there is just something disturbingly hot about her.

The casual way Black Frankie responds to violence is always this strange mix of funny and disturbing. 

CC was really dragging the show down, and this was a good way to get rid of him.

Sadly and ironically, with CC gone this potentially portends bad things for Dorothy.