
Yeah, plenty of white folks giving their kids "weird" names. Too bad I acknowledged that, and too bad you made your point on a thread concerning a kid with said weird name. Black people — or anyone else — don't have to run their name choices by you. You're free to pass judgment, but you're also going to get smacked

I've heard light-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyes people refer to themselves as "black". In fact, the character played by Deborah Mailman specifically refers to the group of girls as "black" in the film.

Lol this guy is a moron. I'm Hispanic and will never use a tanning bed. HOWEVER, my hispanic friends love tanning beds. Being Hispanic doesn't mean u have dark skin or even olive skin. He needs to tour the United States and see the beautiful rainbow of ppl in each ethnicity :-) :-) ;-)

I love when white people (as I'm assuming you are) criticize black people's names. Let's see you get your children murdered for learning to read, your husband get his dick cut off, and I cut out your vagina and your breasts and your tongue. Then I name you "Christine." And I rape you repeatedly and murder any slave

Another Willie Smith!

"If you get to be brown, so do I!"

Yeah, really not a made up name.

Why as a non-black person are you calling black a problematic term? B/c more than one group of brown people use it? Why is that a problem for you? B/c it's not like you need any more info than what a person calls themselves do you? Why does it matter if you don't know if a black person who calls him or herself

Yeah, light skinned black people call themselves black too. Is your head exploding over that?

I technically fall into the "right category" and I still dislike and refuse to use the term. So it's not just the Caribbeans and Black Latinos who don't like the term. Some of us "Black descendants of slaves" hate it too.

Pusheen approves of the young, dapper man.

I think non-black Americans say that. B/c I'm a black girl and I cringe when I hear African American. A), not what I call myself b/c I think it's wildly inaccurate and B)smacks of trying WAY too hard.

This is great and everything, and props to young gentleman, but the rest isn't so cute. This video cuts off before the part where the Fox News interviewer starts accusing him of being a secret muslim.

What if it came out that 11 years ago Ru donated sperm in a moment of desperation and somehow this was his glorious, fabulous child?


Another child being more successful than me...

Hi, I actually live in the NT and work with Aboriginal people (both as fellow employees and clients), and of the many that I have met, they actually do refer to themselves as black, or 'blackfellas', just like I'm a 'whitefella' or one of many other Aboriginal words that mean the same thing.

Good thing racism is over, huh?