
Piper does make me cringe (and I'm a white woman, for the record), but I really enjoy seeing her regularly being taken down a peg. Like it's true that Tricia (blonde girl w/ cornrows) calls Piper "College" and asks for help with her appeal, but later Tricia and Taystee say to Piper's face that they want to kill her in

I really don't see it that way. Many characters have been shown to be intelligent, or at least savvy/street-smart. Suzanne (Crazy Eyes) recites Shakespeare from memory. Miss Claudette has rigged a homemade hot pot in her bunk and is usually reading a book. Taystee is clearly well read and runs the library, and next

I dunno, I don't see it flaunting privilege at all. I feel like it's a pretty effective skewering of her white privilege and the sheltered naivete that class privilege brings. She's the protagonist, but not the heroine - IMO.

Why is this show still on?

I do not want my life and identity defined by being a mother

Whatever!! Zonkey don't care, he's too busy rockin'.

May all of the Kardashians go into hiding and STAY there. Wishful thinking I know.

Ugh. Between Olivia Wilde's "I can't wear lipstick right lololomg!11!" tweet yesterday and Katy Perry's "Tee hee I fart in front of boyz" today, I've had all the OMG LOOK AT ME I'M SUCH A DORKY GIRL TEE HEE I'M CRAAAAYYZEEEE that I can take for the next... *looks at watch*... three weeks. Is that okay? Can we put a

To those saying "you try reacting calmly when racist assholes are doing their best to make your life hell?" Martin Luther King dealt with that EVERY DAY. To my knowledge no one with any credibility referred to him as an angry black man.

Happy for Raven, but I'm not surprised. She's be the top student at the Queen Latifah school for "It's Not Your Business Who I Date" for years now. Good for her.

I am happy for Raven-Symonè and totally support my homosexual brethren and sistren, but that Tweet wasn't "adorable". Come on. It was nice; it wasn't exceptionally witty or funny.

Who are these people that never fart in front of their partners, and how do they maintain such rigid control over their emissions? That must be so very stressful.

Couples who won't fart in front of each other aren't even real couples. Let one go, Katy. Let one go and be free.

He still could have been perceived as an "angry Black man". I (as a Black woman) have called people out on their racism for them to turn the tables on me by saying I am angry when I am calm.

I almost died last night when Aaryn said that Candice was to blame for "all the pain" she's experienced in the house. She truly is the devil.

I've got to say: I'm so tired of having to deal with some standard that if I'm mad about something racially insensitive that was said to me, or anyone. I'm playing into some stereotype. I think Howard absolutely did what he could here, and for the purpose of Big Brother, did what he had to within the confines and

Cue the mascara rivers on the white girls and indignant faces on the white boys talking about how their free speech should be protected when they finally leave the show and find out they've been shit-canned by their jobs.

Oh god, this makes my heart hurt.

Don't worry, the GOP will take away something from minorities or women to balance this out. We can't have things be too good.