
You know how I really know he's stupid? The legal market has collapsed, we're overrun with lawyers, kids that would have gotten great firm jobs straight out of school are working as legal temps (i.e. no benefits) and he thinks law school is a good career move. Good for him.

I like the idea of him being $300k in debt and unemployable.


I wonder about people who say that these racists are not representative of the general population. What do they represent, then? I have met MANY people like this in my day to day life, some who are worse. Casual racism is such a common thing, I don't necessarily think it's indicative of a mental illness as some have

I've never been a fan of the show, but I started watching this season because someone I know is on it. Fortunately, my friend is on the side of good, not evil. I know this might get me flamed, but I thought yesterday's episode of Big Brother was one of the most accurate portrayals of race relations in the US. The

Candice then broke down in tears over all the racial slurs and what they've had to endure in the house. After he was done counseling her, and when he was finally alone, Howard himself began to cry.

Aaryn has repeatedly denied that anything she has said is racist, instead blamed everyone else for discriminating against her because she is blonde and beautiful.

How about some love for Howard being an absolute bad ass the entire episode. And I've never laughed so hard watching BB as I did when he was repeatedly hurling spoiled milk in Aaryn's face.

Now playing

To scrub your brain of this filth, enjoy this video that demonstrates how perhaps the future is not so bleak:

You know what's the most fucked up & heartbreaking part of this whole clip? Howard telling Candice just to stand with him and be the bigger person. It is ALWAYS Black people who have to be the bigger people and that fucking sucks, because if Candice would have defended herself in ANY other way in the face of that kind

Was that racially motivated? You understand that this post is about bigotry, not about "crazy" roommates, right? Of course you don't.

Howard is what really got to me. He had to talk Candice down, even though she was right to be pissed, when he was highly offended himself. I bet he's a hellava youth counselor. And Helen is smarter than those 3 idiots combined. AND THEY DON'T THINK THEY ARE RACIST. Yep, again, we are in a post-racial society.

"Lesbians make the best sandwiches."

So they want to see "The black come out of her"? Ironic because the whole world has seen the white trash spew from ARYAN...what a fucking BITCH!!

I couldn't make it to the end of that clip. I'm impressed at the strength of the people who this is being aimed at, and who are staying in the house: if I couldn't take three minutes of it, I've no idea how they're managing weeks at a stretch.

So Aaryn and GinaMarie don't know they've lost their jobs? hahahaha

So glad that these assholes will have to face the consequences of their bigotry. I teared up watching that clip. I can't imagine living with people that expressed that kind of hatred toward me.

Aaryn's parents misspelled "Aryan" wrong.

LOL everyone knows no one would ever want to marry a fat black woman. HILARITY.

If you're marrying Jimmy Kimmel, you sort of have to expect these kinds of things, I would think. I'm sure the bride is the type who could roll with it, and if she's not... well...