Anyone saying that protests don't accomplish anything never paid attention in history class. Anyone complaining about the *inconvenience* of the protests is a giant selfish asshole.
Anyone saying that protests don't accomplish anything never paid attention in history class. Anyone complaining about the *inconvenience* of the protests is a giant selfish asshole.
There's a lot of people posting comments to the effect of; "I don't agree with marching in the street" or "protests are inconvenient and dangerous". This is really surprising to me in a country where peaceful demonstrations have been such a key part of your history and helped to achieve so many rights for so many…
I don't understand why people hate on the white members of the protests or those who are up in arms about the verdict. Can't white people care about equality too?
After reading the comments related to this post, I wanted to add my own thoughts. I am just boggled by the number of people who have posted to the effect of, "I'm in favor of protesting /buuuuut/ you shouldn't inconvenience people or get in the way." The reason protesters get noticed is that they are disrupting the…
So a teenaged boy as followed by a stranger until the stranger shot him. The stranger walks free.
I hope they all wake up with yeast infections.
Very proud of the peaceful protest of people of all races.
Yeah, as much as I feel it's important to pay attention to this, though, I'm suddenly just utterly fried, and I have to go read dumb ghost stories or something.
To be honest, you can't have one without the other. Quietly electing people who may or may not help remedy the institutionalized racism this country, in all its glory, was founded on is not at all effective if those people aren't shown that you mean business. Revolutionary change (and trying to overturn racist ass…
I've been thinking a lot about the jurors for this case. How do they feel seeing the reactions to the verdict they handed down? Are they frustrated, because we can't know all the things they were presented with and they believe they made the best decision? Do they feel guilty or remorseful? Are they fearful of…
Im being attacked!!
Shut the fuck up, they are doing something. Because doing something like this shows that people are thinking, "HELL NO, we don't fucking stand behind this bullshit." And you know what? I think it gives some sort of peace to Trayvon's family to know that there are people out there who support them and ultimately…
Though this has really been a serious setback on our country's slow road towards racial parity, it warms my heart to know that people cared enough to go out and say something. In an age of inaction and rage filtered through the anonymity of the Internet it's really something to see people united publicly against a…
Just want to say, even though I'm forever wandering the greys, not all of us are trolls and even though this system sucks sometimes, we have this for a reason, do not bring some of the people on here out of the grey. Leave them be, they are not interested in any sort of dialogue, they don't give one fuck that justice…
Also, peaceable assembly and protest is the mothafuckin' bedrock of American democracy. Read a book, clown.
Oh it's red.
Beautiful to see people get involved, tragic that it's under these circumstances.
Maybe they're saying "We're not going to pretend this verdict isn't a racist clusterfuck. We see you, we see your racism; every decent, thinking person sees your racism"
If you don't understand, I guess this little section of the internet wasn't put here for you. Sorry