
There is Miami and Orlando... and then there's the rest of Florida. I was shocked after watching a PBS special on peonage, mainly in Florida were labor was needed in the groves. Now they exploit migrant workers instead.

What gets me about this is the total unwillingness to acknowledge that an innocent teenage boy is dead because George Zimmerman was a complete fuck up of a human being.

No. No I cannot.

Every time somebody says this I'm astounded that they're naive enough to think a black guy would make it back to the station in the first place.

I'm done. If this was a black guy in the EXACT same circumstances they'd...wait. he'd already be in jail on murder charges. Stand Your Ground given the racialized nature of Florida's politics and police is basically for whites only. Can you imagine any scenario in which a black man could stalk, harass, and shoot in

If you had a son, a woman would be willing to get near your dick in the first place.

White women can be racist. I'm talking to one right now. Hello racist white woman!

CAN IT. Seriously what is wrong with the comments section here? My family was underpaid exploited labor (Asian immigrants in the 1800's to today). The other half? Were either killed off or had the land stolen right from under us. Guess what? NinjaCate is right. The US as we know it exists because of slave labor. The

Black people didn't HELP build this nation.

"I wish I could play the race card when things didn't turn out how I wanted."

Race is not a card, it's a stick that white America uses to beat down anyone who get's out of their place.

IF you don't do something about the problem you are the problem. Yes you; the one who stands there as your friend tells a racist joke, or your uncle/aunt whatever uses a racial slur. Don't want to be painted with that brush, don't tolerate these kinds of people, BUT no you can't do that can you!

I've been alternating between crying and raging since the verdict was announced. I'm a rational, smart, and very analytical person but there's no time for that shit tonight.

Seriously...I'm a white feminist, and my first fucking reaction to this was NOT "oh dear! people are being kinda mean about some white women! I must twist up my knickers and try to make this problem about MEEEEE!!!"

This verdict only serves to confirm what 90% of we black men have known for years, Our life is pretty much worthless beyond our own circle ( not race, but people who care about you) and a select few other who can empathize. I suspected GZ would get off, I don't have much faith in the justice system( a time proven

No, see, that's the scary part. They're not saying he didn't stalk, shoot, an kill and unarmed teenager. They're saying he was justified and within his legal rights to do so.

A baby-faced boy a few weeks past his 17th birthday. I can't.

It's a sad day when an armed adult can chase down a young man, murder him and claim it was an act of self defense.

So he didn't shoot and kill a teenager that he stalked? Fuck everything, I'm done.

Just a reminder: