
Ha, true! That comment seems like it would come from someone who is an equal opportunity racist. I meant re: Muslims but I see your point!

Not really on topic at all...but I lol'd when I read that last comment "Farrah smells like Fish!!!"

Exactly. Unfortunately, by de-individualizing people it creates a cognitive/emotional distance. It's easier to "other" them and that's how you get assholes like this baker guy (who truthfully I had never heard of) who can malign like 1/3 of the worlds population by calling them animals.

Honkey, cracker, but that's only from us blacks. And we don't even use those words anymore.

Precisely. Whites, crazy or not, are afforded the right to be seen as an individual; whereas, their non-whites counterparts (even Middle Easterners, who they claim as white or not, depending on whether it's peace time or not) are group members, rather than an individual.

I love when tweets are broadcast for all to see like in public shaming! You just know those ignorant, racist assholes are getting barraged with messages.

If only we'd banned white wingnuts from America after the Utoya massacre. Ah well, we had our chance.

You know, a lot of people have been quoting Mr. Rogers as inspiration during this tragedy. I commiserate with these feelings.

You're right. If all the mass shootings were done by women, don't you think there would be outrage when ANY woman walked into a gun store, because she'd be so unpredictably destructive?

Aaaaannnnd here we go. I was just waiting for some dimwit to start spouting racist drool.

This isn't about immigrants or immigration, it's about straight up racism. You're not white so we don't want you here.

And by Native American you of course mean Iroquois, Apache, Sioux, etc... Everyone else is an immigrant or the descendant of immigrants.

Yeah, I have serious doubts any natives like the Iroquois, Cherokee, Algonquin, Abenakis, etc... would have done something like this either.

I wonder if Cousin Anthony's Mom and Dad remember when the same thing was said about the Irish and Italians?

he is most likely right, I doubt a native american perpetrated the bombing.

I'm not surprised. I thought during the election I'd weeded out all the crazies, but there were plenty of "Obama is a Muslim" and "Why do we allow brown* people in the USA" all over facebook this morning. If this turns out to be a local who did this, can we then start profiling all the white men of the country?

Part of me wishes I had gone into more details in my original comment but then I'm also like "Eh, would've been a waste of energy anyway".

This never fails to anger me. Having worked with parents who lost children because they couldn't access/afford vaccines (rural Guatemala), I just wish those anti-vax tinfoilers could see the sadness and grief caused when a babe/child dies from a preventable disease, and then try to tell them how vaccines are evil and

Her kid turned out to not even have autism in the first place, but Landau-Klaffner syndrome, which is a bunch of seizures that cause the lack of speaking - so once the seizures are treated, there is verbal improvement. So much for the years she went around claiming to have "healed her autistic son". Gah.

The rage I feel for Jenny McCarthy grows exponentially every year. And every other whack job running around claiming to have medical knowledge.