
I was excited to see this article (I always appreciate getting new hair blogs) but then I read the comments here. I remember way way back when I'd be able to say "I never read the comments, except for on Jezebel!". Actually..I've never been able to say that when it comes to race articles

I learned of James Deen's peen via Jezebel very recently. He's blessed, so Farrah's mom is just acting childish. Did I say he is blessed? Yes, yes, I did.

Pssst... Farrah.... anyone who wants to know how big James Deen's dick is already knows. You're not really fooling anyone.

Farrah Abraham has to be the dumbest person I've ever seen in my life. So you wanted to make a sex tape and make it look like you were doing it with a bf and then have it "accidentally" leaked...and you chose to have a well known porn star involved in your Kardashian-esque scheme? And now that everyone knows you were

Sooooo, because he spoiled your sordid plan to pull a kim kardashian, you insult his dick size? The one interview that I saw with James Dean, he had nothing but nice things to say about her.

I love how there are many comments, but no one is approved to comment. Don't even get me started on the mobile view, such a god awful clusterfuck.

Hello, four reasons I will never go to Coachella again. I went a few years ago to see Mick Jones and Paul Simonon with the Gorillaz, and it was totally worth the trip and awesomeness. But you couldn't pay me to go now... did anyone see the pics of Sofia Bush? Looked like she was at an Ann Taylor launch party.

Is Coachella a festival for pretty people? Does anyone unattractive go to Coachella? I'm an east coaster and only see photos on blogs, but it seems like it's a bunch of pretty young things.

I feel like I don't get the subtext in a number of the covers. Unless a girl having short hair is the subtext. Which seems like stereotyping to me.

Or you could just say "Just leave the money on the table." At this moment I'm not sure if that's a joke or a serious comment.

My best kickout line ever? "It's Sunday morning, I gotta go to church, and my boyfriend's going to be pissed off if I stink like some other guy."

Job well done!

The only time I quasi-understand "preferences" like that is if someone is concerned about culture-matching, as in "Hello, I'm an Armenian-American person who ascribes to the Armenian Orthodox church and my community speaks Armenian. Therefore, I am interested in people from, or familiar with and accepting of, this

Same here, as a gay male. It's very embarrassing and shameful. The guys who do this are very defensive about it. They pull the, "I can't help who I am attracted to and who I am not," line as their main defense, typically.

You're probably right. But I do think there's been a definite swing in recent years toward people caring a lot less. Personally, it's always seemed weird to me that people would even want to date only within their race, like, that's an odd criteria: "Well, I like long walks on the beach, dogs, and — oh yeah — only

I fully agree with you.

I think most people when asked would say they're okay dating outside their race. I think most people when asked would also say they're not racist. It's socially expected and it's what people want to hear. They may even believe it themselves. However, it doesn't mean it's true.

This sums things up:

Not shedding a tear. Just because somebody has died doesn't mean they ought to be automatically mourned. I did not mourn the passing of Nixon or Reagan, and I will not mourn her.