
The dream sequence was the highlight. "Guess what I have. It begins with a D!"

Seems like some filmmakers care about this and some don't. Fincher seems to care more than others.

I feel very confident something else has done this joke, but I can't remember what.

This scene won the episode. Especially the fart.


Thank you. Best line of the series so far. So very 30 Rock, in the best way possible.

How do I reach these keeeeds?


That scene where Titus sings I'll Make Love To You at the funeral was comedy gold. Made that whole silly subplot worth it - I can only assume the writers thought up that scene and worked the rest out around it.

Especially when he very briefly tuned in to exclaim "Wilson?" when Kimmy compares him to the ball from Cast Away.

Isn't she like 15 years older than he is and has two kids? Not exactly the toughest pull despite Kroll being pug fugly.

"That looks like John Travolta giving that girl a creepy kiss on the cheek!"
"Yeah . . . looks like."

By having barely any drums, I guess you could say that Ben Folds is winning the battle of who could snare less.

Your eyes are going to piss tears?

The Whitney Houston's hotel room mention and the "how long will it be if I suck your dick?" jokes both had me dying.

Did Chris Evans eat that kid after?

Called love.

I got three words for you: The Blind Side

I would have thought for sure that the most referenced celebrity would be Buttafuoco.

This was the "odds and ends" episode. I suspect they saved some meat for the final episode.