
"There are good Adam Sandler movies (The Wedding Singer, Punch-Drunk Love, Reign Over Me, Funny People) and bad Adam Sandler movies (almost everything else)."

He seems more like Dylan McDermott in this photo.

Wasn't that the plot of the film The Day Before Three Days From Now?

I like how W holds in his laughter when Matt Lauer dramatically takes off his glasses.

How dare you besmirch rappin' grannies.

The Worlds End >>>>>>> Paul

At least Republicans are being consistent on this. If corporations are people, to the point where they have the right to free speech and the ability to not sell stuff to gay people for religious reasons, it stands to reason that Nordstrom would drop Ivanka's clothes because of its political opinions.

To me, Rosie would be the perfect pick only because Trump hates her so much (pathologically so). But the problem now is that she tweeted it and everyone seized on that so SNL would lose the surprise factor that they had with Melissa McCarthy. I wish Rosie had just e-mailed Lorne.

One weekend in my earlier days, my dad offered to take me on a father/son trip to the movies. We debated what to see - I wanted to see Demolition Man and he wanted to see The Fugitive. When we eventually saw The Fugitive on video, I caught a lot of crap for that decision.

We all remember the cast of Pootie Tang: Trucky, Bad Bitty, Dirty D, Lacey, JB, Biggy Shorty and . . . uh . . . Robert Vaughn.

I quit. (clap clap. clap.) I quit. (clap clap. clap.). . . . I quit, Mr. White.

I think "Right Thoughts" is their worst album and it's still great.


By the way, I generally enjoy the New Yorker. Occasionally, someone links to The Borowitz Report on my Facebook feed and makes me want to punch a wall.

Have you guys ever read the Borowitz Report? It's truly the worst thing ever published. I thought Joel Stein was the most painful writer alive but I clearly was wrong. You could fill the disparity in quality between this thing in The Onion with several galaxies.

This dumb.

Somehow Patton's wife dying hit harder to me than any recent celebs. I feel for the guy.

The only thing I remember about this movie is that Dylan Baker is awesome in it, as always.

One of the funniest people to ever live.

For what's it worth, the best of the solo episodes was Sean and Jeff Dunham's puppets.