It's the eyebrows.
It's the eyebrows.
His smooth move taking out the beer was incredible.
What the hell happened to Norm Macdonald's face?
Best Mr. Show episode has to be the one where Bob and Davjd reunite with their old drama teacher who they can't convince they are successful until they put on their play where everyone just screams. It has Titanica, the parody of The Firm about blowjobs being the secret to success, the field trip up my mother's ass,…
The Man Who Wasn't There was fantastic.
I'm not sure that's an unpopular opinion. Everyone I know loves Zoolander.
Lucky bastard.
Yes, I was dying at the chase scene and my wife was like "What?"
I didn't count Children's Hospital cuz I view that as Rob Corrdy's baby, even though David Wain is clearly heavily involved. If I was going to count it, I'd put it at #3 - not as good as the Stella TV show but better than Wanderlust.
Here's a ranking of all things from the Stella team since WHAS:
It's like the Dawes incident just empowered them more.
I feel like they never topped the first episode I ever watched where Phil tries to teach his son a lesson by stealing his bike and accidentally steals some other kid's bike.
How dare you. Flava of Love was amazing.
Nothing beats the Wet Hot American Summer DVD version with added farts.
Ohhhh yeah.
So here's an anecdote of sorts: that house in NY that Barry bought that first season of Spin City is a few minutes away from the house I grew up in. A narrow, winding street that a lot of cars used to dangerously zip through as a shortcut to the highway. His house had a big plastic bear at the end of the driveway and…
Now that we're up to the last episode, it's time to pick our least favorite Mad Men development over the show's run! Your choices:
There can never be enough Todd Barry.
The zeroith.
Soundtrack has to feature "Right Now" by Van Halen.