
I’m not. I love stand up and having access to so many options at no extra cost is good.

I don’t see how anyone is expecting the FF7 remake this year or even early next. It’s not gonna show before the next gen systems officially get names and a press event and that’s being kind. They’ve got too much riding on it to dare to announce anything else about it before it’s ready.

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?


Bad luck is the only way I can explain it. It’s really a shame and I think I’m going to be a little bitter about it forever.

It is (was *sob*) such a fantastic show. This whole season was like one tense muscle. I was made that Handmaid’s Tale won all the awards last year and I will be furious if The American’s are shut out for their final season.

An honorable mention...

Dead Serious. Cowboy Bebop is the best anime out there, mainly because it doesn’t fall into all the annoying anime crappy cliches.

Everything plays into their persecution complex, and when there’s not enough they just manufacture bullshit out of thin air. Roseanne herself is actually well-known for doing this!

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Women fought in WW II.

This is established historical fact.

The delicate fee-fees of the armchair historians who’ve never cared to engage with the reality of the war beyond saying “I watched Band of Brothers five times” (and no insult to Band of Brothers; I own the Blu-Ray and DVD editions, it was that good) are not a

Christ. This reads like a college junior’s introduction to a bar. Ginger Beer is no less a basic ingredient than Coca-Cola. If you have a spirit and you mix it with one mixer, you have yourself a basic cocktail. Maker’s Mark and ginger beer is pretty basic. This is no different than a Jack and Coke. If a bloody mary

How does one go from “Bush doesn’t care about black people” to supporting the most overtly racist president in US history?

Why do you want one less person to say that Trump is a vile piece of shit?

I have several friends who have struggled with this question over the last five years. My thing is this: no parents were curating their kids’ Star Wars experience back when the originals came out, other than deciding whether or not to take them to the theatre or rent them the movie. None of us grew up being told to

A B-movie, to some . . . A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!

Hmm... So it’s better to limit free speech by taking away words and phrases because someone else will have hurt feelings? Or have to deal with something they don’t want to?

Not sure what kind of garbage residence halls you work in but the bathroom vents in a well built building go outside, not into other rooms. Of course, in dorms the smoke may just blow right back into an open window which, as I said, isn’t a problem in a building where the windows are unable to be opened.

Other than the fact that the smell of weed smoke goes away like 10x faster than the smell of cigg smoke, sure.