
fuck everything about this stupidity. Buy nice coffee, skip big luxuries. You’ll be happier. Same goes for Beer, TP, and razors. Spend a few extra bucks a month to buy the good stuff, and skip out on the fancy car that costs a boatload to repair, or the spendy jacket, or the fancier phone. You’ll be a VASTLY happier

Hmm, yes, okay, this gives me food for thou-

Preferred ads = higher revenue, basically the VIP tier of advertising

If it is a physical addiction it is extremely dangerous to quit cold turkey. Please don’t to suddenly quit if you are a heavy drinker, seek medical advice first.

I disagree. Lightsaber combat in those two games required skill, as it was very easy to die given the lightsaber was treated as an actual saber. if you were very good, you could do crazy things like ending all of the fights with disarmament instead of killing opponents (how i played jedi academy for a good while in

Out of curiosity, which games do you feel have good Jedi stuff? I like the KOTOR and Jedi Knight games, but they both have problems. Or maybe I’m just bad, which is likely. :)

The mean spirited attacks on Fieri are not because people ate at his restaurants and were upset with the food quality.

This is the dumbest jalop fear mongering there is. It’s a fucking car that hurdles down the road at 20-100+ miles per hour but you’re going to worry about a soapy car washes water source?

That feels a lot like victim blaming. “Oh, his account which is supposed to be secure got hacked? He should have stored it elsewhere.” No one asks to be hacked.

Dropbox isn’t a public forum. No more so than your house is “possibly” a public forum if someone burgles it and exposes its contents publicly.

Racist pedophile

Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.

It is always far, far better to be a lover, not a fighter.

“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”

The only question is whether it’s the wife or the daughter.

No 59-year-old anesthesiologist breaks FIVE RIBS over some plants. This is sex stuff.

I’m not saying that he got caught fucking his neighbor’s wife but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he got caught fucking his neighbor’s wife.

From what I have seen in game play videos it is exactly that. If you try to hidden blade a target much higher in level to you. You will try to stab them and they will so a multitude of things to stop said stabbing or redirect your stab to a more armored and less vulnerable area.

When it comes to talking about sexual assault, I’ve noticed that men (in some cases, I’ve heard some things from fellow women), hold onto this notion that rapists are strangers in baklavas and holding knives. But, when I mention that all of my rapists were men that I grew up with, they consider me to be the exception.

Here’s a thought... maybe actually do that instead of continuing to say you “can” do that. Such a tired line. I know you can do it. How bout you actually do it?