
And yet... here you are.

Yeah, gamer bros like you should go fuck off.

Shame you’re missing out on some good work that he has done.

Good lord. The hate you have over Sandler - a person you actually don’t know - is actually sad.

> However, there is a jarring disconnect between the words uttered by the film’s characters, many in Arabic or derivations of the Arabic language, and the actors uttering those words. With the exception of Souheila Yacoub and Zendaya, all of the main characters are played by actors of white European descent. No one is

Nah, Curb is dogshit.

Nah, MCU has been dogshit since Endgame

I will never understand this purchase.  IMHO, all this does makes an already bloated company (MS) even more bloated.  MS would have better spent those billions of $$ on internal development.

No, it was dogshit.  A bland ABC Marvel show through and through.

Right. I missed it. Not sorry though. Looks like I should have skipped this stupid article, Murry. Write something that actually informs rather discussing bar scanning so maybe next time I won’t be so bored and stop reading further. 

Baloney - if you have more than 20 items  you are slowing everyone down if you use the self- checkout.  Don’t delude yourself thinking your faster than the actual “professional.”

There’s only one rule: if you have more than 20 items do not use the self checkout line.  Period.  I don’t care how fast you think you are - you will never outpace a regular checkout person.  Don’t even think you can.  Stop it.

Folks - just leave Twitter, I mean X. I did the moment Elon took over, and it was such a wonderful decision.

I enjoy horror, but I’m with you - the level on here is a bit too much for me.  That said, amongst the films listed - I would recommend Old Boy, and agree with the writer on it’s “masterpiece status.”  Highly recommend.

Compared to the list presented, A Clockwork Orange is Bambi.

Stop trying to escape responsibility and blaming it on someone else. These folks caused the problem. Not the police. Get it through your 2 year old tiny brain.

Grow the fuck up. The situation there didn’t spur any “police brutality.” Police didn’t get involved until the riots started.

1. Where’s the Police brutality?

The police didn’t cause idiots destroying property or hurting individuals.

I do know what I’m talking about, and it’s clear I’m talking to an individual with an intellect of a 2 year old child.