Shrugs. None of these games interest me - to each their own. Besides, I’ll probably still be playing Starfield.
Shrugs. None of these games interest me - to each their own. Besides, I’ll probably still be playing Starfield.
Tate? Is that you? Go find justpearlythings - you two would be perfect for each other.
I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing that it’s stupid to call a 10-12 yr difference in age between a couple “extreme” absolutely ridiculous.
“Knows what he did?” Ummm what? And 10-13 years is not that far apart: 33 year old male married to 21 year old woman is not a huge gap. That’s actually extremely common. Get over yourself
That’s not that much older - good lord. Do you have some sort of issue with Billy Crystal?
Except none of what you said is correct or true at all.
The thing is the demo looked EXACTLY like a skin for AC/Far Cry (because it is).
Why? Looked exactly like all of their other open world games: a Star Wars skin over their Assassin’s Creed/Far Cry Open world engine. People are excited for this shit? Really?
Ahhh yes, another Ubisoft open world game with a different skin. So tired of the Ubisoft open world formula. Tired and samey. This one is no different.
Ahhh Ubisoft - all your games are the same with different skins. This is no different.
Oh the hypocrisy that I see below. Y’all will happily see a Tom Cruise film like MI, but Miller? Nope. Hypocrites - the lot of you.
And yet so many of you folks will happily see Mission Impossible starring the #2 person in Scientology - a group known for Human trafficking, Tom Cruise.
How many Cruise films have you seen? Hypocrite. Cruise: the #2 person in Scientology - known Human Traffickers.
He’s #2 in scientology and best friend’s with David Miscavaige - he can go F himself. A “good actor?” Baloney - overrated, and has always been overrated.
There’s zero reason to be on that shit platform. AOC - just quit there’s no point to it anymore - especially with Elon owning that shit platform.
Oh I do, good to know that you LOVE human traffickers like Tom Cruise. Good on ya buddy. Toodles.
Too bad you’re the shit troll who supports human traffickers and thinks that movies are more important than calling out shitty people like Tom Cruise. Toodles.
Where’s Battlestar Galactica?
More toys for the simps!