
And I don’t give two shits except to laugh at those fuckers.

So a fan of shit films and human trafficker supporter. Got it. Toodles human trafficker supporter w/ shitty movie taste.

Weird, so you seem to think that just because I’m calling out that culthead - Cruise - that you seem to justify it by bringing up the US Government and the border? One does not negate the other - that’s some weird fucking logic there popcorn.

I could give two shits on his work ethic - especially since he’s literally #2 in scientology and best buddies with David Miscaivage. Scientology sure does love to human traffic.  Just like I say “fuck you” to Roman Catholic Cardinals (#2 in the Roman Catholic Church) - so too do I do the same for Cruise. Fuck that

Good to know you support human traffickers. Toodles

What a waste of space that this overrated past-due actor takes up.

F this. Scientology Propoganda.  Never forget, Tom Cruise is #2 in scientology - an org who are known human traffickers.

What a fucking joke this whole thing is. 

I’ll never understand folks’ love for Spider-Man 2.  Literally had a walk-out moment during the “Jesus” in the Subway scene towards the end.  Yes, it had some classic moments - but on the whole that film is trash.

I’m amazed anyone is still on that shit platform.

Finally, an Indy film worth seeing.

Go go Leah!!! Also folks, never forget that Tom Cruise is #2 in Scientology and is best friends with David Miscavaige. 

He is such a weak, doesn’t want to debate Sedar or anyone who can actually debate on the left, POS.


Yes he is.

Never forget that Tom Cruise is #2 in Scientology - he is best friends with Miscavaige.

Oh boo hoo. I don’t give two shits about Elizabeth Holmes. Put her in jail. Stop sympathizing with this con artist, because that’s what you’re doing.

The movies are always about “the next thing” and not about itself.

As man, have to ask - do the tights really help to keep warm?  I assume “yes,” which would explain the lack of pants during this time of year. LOL

I really enjoy the show, but I honestly wish (much like Columbo) the episodes were longer and had more to work with.  I honestly feel like the show moves exceedingly fast and often you don’t really get to know any of the characters.